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Dubya's Roots of evil

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Continuing on the US goverment tip, I thought I'd post this intresting info on Bush's links with another dictatorship besides his own.


According to former U.S. Justice Dept. Nazi War Crimes Prosecutor John Loftus — who is today the director of the Florida Holocaust Museum — "The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich,"according to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Along with the Rockefellers, DuPonts, General Motors and Henry Ford, banks and shipping companies operated by the Bush family were crucial players in setting up the industrial power behind the Third Reich. These companies poured hundreds of millions of dollars into IG Farben and provided it with technology for tactically essential synthetic materials — while withholding the same materials and patents from the U.S. government. According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, IG Farben built and operated more than 40 concentration camps in Nazi-occupied Europe, including Auschwitz. At their slave labor/factory/death camps chemicals, weapons, drugs, synthetic fuels and other materials vital to the Nazi war effort were manufactured




The Bush wealth and prominence in American politics is derived from Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker’s support of Hitler is a historical fact. If the connection ended in 1945 with the destruction of Nazi Germany that might have been the end of it; it didn’t end there however. Not only has the eugenics agenda continued but many of the top Nazis who were advancing it during WWII were brought to the U.S. after the war and installed in academia, the media, government research institutions and the CIA: by the same American officials who worked with the Bush family to build up Nazi Germany in the first place.


It's all starting to make perfect sense hey?!




Edited by Buster
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It sure does my friend. Read this also :




and this, this is sick but NO JOKE :




(check out the financers and members! 14 of them are in the U.S. administration now!)


The U.S. administration is in the hands of a "fascist club" since many years now and they are going for the same goal their old brothers Hitler&co went for : world domination and control of the energy sources. Its the truth and very obvious for any one with some information and a normal functioning brain.

What REALLY SCARES ME is that alltough it's as clear as glass, NO POLITICAL PARTIES CALL THE ALARM! that is really scary,..for me this means the whole freaking world is corrupted by them,...or blackmailed.


Anyway, The NAZI'S are BACK!

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Guest Guest

Thanks for the link tboat.


That was a Fascinating read that had me gripped for the last 3 hours!


You're right, its very scary indeed. People need to wake up and see things for what they really are and not be brain washed by the political shit they are fed daily. If people don't make a stand then it will end with American global domination, it's already here right under our noses. If its clear to us then why not others?? Maybe its all to easy to sit back and put your faith in goverment? Wrong!! The goverments of most advanced nations already have to bow to US pressure, the recent war with Iraq has proved that!


Things evolve, technologies advance, but humanity and dictatorship remain the same in what ever form they choose.


Here are a few quotes from a review of the OFFICIAL document in the link added by tboat to get those of you who are intrested thinking:


In 1992, shortly after Desert Storm, Dick Cheney, then the Secretary of Defense, began drafting a foreign policy plan that was geared towards American military global preeminence and American control of the Middle East.


This plan calls for American dominance in the Gulf region whether or not Saddam is in power, but admits that Saddam is a good excuse to take power, by stating: “The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.”


The Powell paper that was sited as a source of information for an address to the UN Security Council, and the world, which made statements about the Iraqi regime and its involvement with terrorist organizations and weapons of mass destruction, was later exposed as a paper written by a graduate student from California.  Prior to making the statement to the UN Powell said: "My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we're giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence."


In discussing the resignation of Rand Beers from the National Security Council James Bamford, author and intelligence expert, said that "There is a predominant belief in the intelligence community that an invasion of Iraq will cause more terrorism than it will prevent. There is also a tremendous amount of embarrassment by intelligence professionals that there have been so many lies out of the administration -- by the president, (Vice President Dick) Cheney and (Secretary of State Colin) Powell -- over Iraq."


The above quotes are directly related to the Iraq conflict but they all lead to this this quote which sums it all up-


Wolfowitz and Libby, two members of the Bush cabinet, have drafted plans that state that the US must “discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role.”








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Yep, the U.S. population is also kinda fed up with all this, read what one of the members at the


wrote on the boards :


As a minister, I would hope you understand that to

preach strict non-violence is not completely in the

right. It doesn't state in any religion that I know

of, that mans right to be free is superseeded by the

tryanical law of another.


Also in issues not concerning religion, the USA has

declared WAR on marijuana posessers and users. In

using this termanolgy they subject themselves to the

GENEVA CONVENTION. So in understanding that, every

person convicted for any kind of drug use and

posession, shall be deemed a PRISONER OF WAR. Upon the

finding of this fact the USA is in violation of

international LAW, and this is without considering the

countless of murders by the USA upon our peoples.


Included in this arguement is the fact by preaching

non-violence you have placed yourself and your

congregation in the same situation as the JEWS in

1930's Germany, by becoming the great pacifist, you

are endangering the very lives of the people you wish

to save and love, within the same boundries as the

JEWS as they marched to their death into the

concentration camps. However unlikely is the fact that

you will be murdered in the current "concentration

camps", the fact remains, you lose your right to be

free, with the possibility of death.


Try using this in your sermon;


Marijuana is competive with the price of gold,

so the next time the "LAW" trys take your pot

away remember the fact that they are basicly

stealing your money, and destroying your gold.

also remember the fact that after such things

happen you will lose your right to be free,

you may have other worldly posessions taken

from yourself, also you may be murdered for

possesing such "illegal" entities.


After saying that, report to them the numbers of

people jailed, number of murdered, revenue they

recieve from "BUSTS", and the subsequent sale of

articles retirieved from busts.


Then and only then, try preaching non-violence. Oh and

don't forget to add in they are being led to

concentration camps as the JEWS were in WW2.


I have led almost all of my adult life being the great

procrastinator, and pacifist. The time for change is

now, and talk and lobbying is past. I realize that now

as I watch my son grow, and do not wish the same world

we live in now, for him.


We can help each other, but only if you allow it to be

so. I am truely sorry I have attacked your stance of

non-violence, I only hope and wish for change. It is

my belief this has been tried for the last 50 sum

years and has failed every step of the way.


The Patriot Party does have a website, however it is

not mine. I do not believe they have a right to the

name because they are not true patriots, nor



By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under

liberty, and "There is nothing more difficult to take

in hand, more perilious to conduct, or more uncertain

in its success, than to take the lead in the

introduction of a new order of things."(1) Also "I

have sworn upon the alter of GOD, eternal hostility

against every form of tryanny over the mind of

man."(2) With that in mind, "I hold it, that a little

rebellion, now and then, is a good thing and is

neccesary in the political world, as storms in the

physical (world)"(3) Supporting this is the fact that

"...revolution is not a right but often an



So in conclusion, "Far better it is to dare mighty

things, to win glorious triumphs, even though

checkered by failure; than to take rank with those

poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much,

because they live in the grey twilight that know not

victory nor defeat."(5)


(1) Niccolo Machiavelli

(2) Thomas Jefferson

(3) John Adams

(4) John Locke

(5) Theodore Roosevelt


Thank you for your time and it is my hope you respond

positively, no harshness towards you or your Ideals

was intended.



Patriot Party Headquarters

C/O Andre Chernogorec Jr.

12849 West Schutt Rd.

Chaffee NY, 14030

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They are a bunch of crims and thugs. The US admin that is.


Anyone know about or realise the implications of the USA Patriot act?


There is a similar danger in Australia, the anti terrorist bill that the senate has knocked back gives the government unprecedented powers against groups it chooses to isolate. The recent case in the federal parliament was a good example. The governments method for dealing with the potential terrorist group Hezbollah was one that gave far to much power to the attorney general, potentially threatening one of Australia's constitutional protections for democracy, the seperation of powers.


The same bill that originally proposed these sweeping new powers for the AG also strengthened ASIOs power.


For those with a memory, the Hilton Bombing in Sydney about 25 years ago was attributed to a group, Ananda Marga, and Tim Anderson was convicted of the actual bombing. There is a view that the bombing was arranged by ASIO, and that they were supposed to prevent it thereby justifying their existance further. But they stuffed up.


I don't want to make the obvious point, but little johnnie has his tounge surgically implanted down the back of Dubyas pants...


Enough of the political rant crap.


One serious worry about giving the AG the power available in the anti terrorism bill is that he would then have the right to outlaw organisations like HEMP. As unlikely as that is and as ineffective as some of the MJ activists can be at times, that power in one persons hands is dangerous for democracy.

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