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Skunk cannabis can make well users psychotic: study

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Okay okay, this is how I read that.


People were injected with THC.

They got really really high.

Thus it makes people go crazy.


Except.. fucking DUH! Of course when you take that much of a psychedelic drug you are going to start going a tiny bit mad (atleast temporarily). The main concern out there isn't about that, its about does it wreck your mind when you AREN'T high.


I hate how these stupid worthless newspaper shits make news whenever they want to. With this article they just thought "oh we better do a story about cannabis", "Oh but we have to bullshit a lot to make it actually seem like we know some new information".

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Psychosis (from the Greek ψυχή "psyche", for mind or soul, and -ωσις "-osis", for abnormal condition), with adjective psychotic, literally means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality".


"However, many people have unusual and distinct (unshared) experiences of what they perceive to be different realities without fitting the clinical definition of psychosis. For example, many people in the general population have experienced hallucinations related to religious or paranormal experience. These experiences may or may not meet the clinical definition of psychosis. As a result, it has been argued that psychosis is simply an extreme state of consciousness that falls beyond the norms experienced by most."





Ok so using that definition, their use of the word psychosis could simply mean what we refer to as the state of being 'high' or 'stoned'.


so THC makes you stoned... amazing stuff there :)


Now if they had a standard scale to quantify the degree of psychosis this might be useful in some way. At least to compare strengths :bongon:

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I don't know why, but articles like this elicit a very angry, sick feeling in my stomach. I guess it is because I know that there are people who will read that and believe it 100% - either because they were born ignorant or because they are willfullly ignorant - and the clincher is that it's these types of studies that form the 'scientifc basis' behind our draconian War on Drugs.


Sorry I know most of you feel this way too so all I am doing is pointing out the obvious, but it does make me feel a bit better typing it out - just a bit!

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is that true about cbd canceling out the effects of thc?


A bit more bullshit really, they really have very little idea how THC and CBD (CBN too for that matter) interact, they are just hypothesizing that the lack of one is changing the effects of the other, very little evidence either way, no decent studies that I'm aware of.

oh and they are not saying it does cancel out the effects of THC, just that it mediates them.



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Truth must reviel

even to the babe and suckling


he lookz like a stoner


"Much more research is needed to clarify if skunk is actually more harmful than traditional cannabis."


More work was also needed on the benefits of CBD in balancing the results of THC, he said.


gotta love every word a dat

as for the rest

after tests on 22 healthy men in their late 20s. They injected them with the chemical THC

whats that got to do with smokin some irey Skunk??????

skunk is a herb that has hunderds of cannabinoils including CBD THC and CBN in it

which can and do effect eachother

"These findings confirm that THC can induce a transient acute psychological reaction in psychiatrically well individuals."


maranol is 100% THC and proven to be 100% safe


someone is telling we lies here

The potency of skunk cannabis had risen from 6 per cent THC (Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) content in 1995 to 14 per cent in 2005


the stats are stacked

i know cause i bin there

ever try????? -->smartrin tripping grass


mullum madness

durbin poison

get real


skunk is not even pon the same page

this is pure drug war proppergander

and it will have the oppersite effect

it will infact make more people check for some skunk


thanx for the add

but no thanx

cause i man hafe speek the whole truth

allways was and allways will be much better than skunk


Dr Morrison said the findings offered "additional evidence that can elicit temporary psychotic-like effects in some people",


because THC is a proven anti-psychotic

dont forget

temporary is the effects we are studing here

and they hafe test that very small persentage of people who do have adverce temporary effects

thats why he said in some people

this is back to the marraijunna madness campain of the 30ts

total BS

but stopped short of suggesting they proved a direct link between psychosis and THC.

thats cause they didnt pay him nuff $$$$$$$$$$$$


this study is filled with drug war proppergander dis-information

and i say they know they are telling lies

they dowit for $$$$$$$$$$

watch out now


harder dem come

harder dem a fall

they will dowit all by dem selves

dig the pit

make their bed

fit de cap

then burry dem selves


to the workers of lust greed and power


babylons wall will fall in 1hr


free cannabis

free the people

free the world

Edited by Radic
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Cannabis-schizophrenia link debunked

Paul Armentano - NORML




From the IACM-Bulletin of 5 July 2009


Science: The development of the number of new schizophrenia cases in the UK does not support the hypothesis that cannabis use increases schizophrenia risk


According to research of scientists at Keele University in Staffordshire, UK, the incidence (the number of new diagnosed cases) of schizophrenia in the years 1996 to 2005 does not support the hypothesis that cannabis use increases the risk for the development of schizophrenia or psychosis. For this study an analysis of data from 183 practices in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland was conducted. The study cohort comprised almost 600,000 patients each year, representing approximately 2.3 per cent of the UK population aged 16 to 44. Between 1996 and 2005 the incidence of schizophrenia and psychoses were either stable or declining.


A recently published study found that cannabis use increased fourfold between 1972 and 2002 and 18-fold among people under 18 years of age. If the risk of schizophrenia is elevated 1.8-fold among light users and 3.1-fold among heavy users as suggested by another study, and assuming an elevated risk for 20 years, an increase in schizophrenia incidence of 29 per cent would have been expected between 1996 and 2005. Researches concluded that "the causal models linking cannabis with schizophrenia/psychoses are not supported by this study" and that "the underlying causes of schizophrenia/psychoses remained stable/declined over the study period."


(Source: Frisher M, Crome I, Martino O, Croft P. Assessing the impact of cannabis use on trends in diagnosed schizophrenia in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2005. Schizophr Res. 2009 Jun 26. [Electronic publication ahead of print])





Writing in the prestigious scientific journal The Lancet in 2007, Zammit and colleagues proclaimed that smoking cannabis could boost one's risk of schizophrenia/psychoses by 40 percent or more. Naturally, this sky-is-falling sound-byte was repeatedly thoroughly by the MSM




and was one of the primary reasons cited by PM Gordon Brown, ex-Home Secretary Jacqui Smith and others as the impetus for reclassifying cannabis in the U.K.




Of course, what the MSM did not report from the Lancet meta-analysis was that empirical data did not support the investigators hypothesis that smoking marijuana caused schizophrenia or other mental illnesses: "Projected trends for schizophrenia incidence have not paralleled trends in cannabis use over time" (page 326).


So, in order to test Zammit and other's supposition, investigators at the Keele University Medical School in Britain have now done the obvious, and performed a comprehensive analyses of trends in marijuana use and incidences of schizophrenia and/or psychoses in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2005. (*Note, average age of diagnosis for schizophrenia is one's twenties.) Their findings will appear in the journal Schizophrenia Research:


"[T]he expected rise in diagnoses of schizophrenia and psychoses did not occur over a 10 year period," authors concluded. "This study does not therefore support the specific causal link between cannabis use and incidence of psychotic disorders. ... This concurs with other reports indicating that increases in population cannabis use have not been followed by increases in psychotic incidence."




Further, the results of a separate clinical trial published earlier this month reported that the recreational use of cannabis does not stimulate the production of dopamine in a manner that is consistent with the development of schizophrenia.




So, should we expect an apology from Gordon Brown any time soon? I wouldn't hold my breath.




Paul Armentano

Deputy Director

NORML | NORML Foundation

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