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My 2nd grow

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Hey all started my 2nd grow just over a week ago the seeds are are bag seeds that i have saved from pot that i have scored and some i got of jrs i am growing in a wardrobe (h1600 d550 w920 and the little bit at the top h260 d,w same as rest) for air flow i have 2 computer fans at the bottom active intake and 1 passive intake, for air out i have a 250mm barthroom fan at the top and been painted with a flat white paint, i am running a air cooled hood with 1 computer fan for intake and 2 for out running a 400w hps sun-t (home made hood) temp is about 25-27c, useing 4 25lt buckets that i got from bakerys, i am doing 1 of a 50/50 mix of perlite/pottingmix and 2 of perlite as this is my 1st proper soiless grow my first grow was with soil, my water system is for the perlite a 30lt tank with a pump in it going into a drip system and the soil has a 25lt tank with the same set up and it is run to waste, my lite is on a rail so i can move it from 1 side to the other to give them even lite, i started 4 seeds 2 jrs and 2 i had both of johnnys seeds kick on and only 1 of the seeds that i had sprouted so fingers crossed that thay dont all end up as males, i will keep yas updated on how i am going lol
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Lookin good. Can I offer some advice? Use 6mm line instead of 4mm. The 4mm can block over time with nutrients, and has to be periodically flushed out/cleaned. 6mm is just big enough to avoid this, and just small enough to give good pressure. Also, you say you are in a run to waste, so where does the excess go? Just into saucers?


Keep us updated! lol

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Hey luke the 4mm line that i am useing i had geven to me i will see how it goes but when it starts to clog up i will get some 6mm, for the moment i am going to let the wast go into the saucers and try to work out so thay just get the rite amount of water with out flooding the place out but if i have to give a bigger feed that the saucers cant handle it i have a 2 5lt tanks that i will set up so it can drain into them :)
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Hey all i was thinking of trying those water crystals are thay any good for mj or should i keep away from them why i ask is i am growing in 100% perlite i dont want to upset my baby to mix some vernic with it so it holds a little water so any info on this would be good :)
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