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Ok this is what I don't understand if bongs are illegal then why does everyone keep selling them like at off ur tree they are clearly selling bongs that look different to the bongs before they were made illegal but operate pretty much the same and they call them oil pourers i've seen them at afew tobacconists aswell... So how is this legal clearly its a bong yeah you might be able to use it for pouring oil but no one will use it for that purpose....
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Ok this is what I don't understand if bongs are illegal then why does everyone keep selling them like at off ur tree they are clearly selling bongs that look different to the bongs before they were made illegal but operate pretty much the same and they call them oil pourers i've seen them at afew tobacconists aswell... So how is this legal clearly its a bong yeah you might be able to use it for pouring oil but no one will use it for that purpose....


Which state are you in? QLD? As far as I know that's the only state in Australia that prohibits the sale of bongs. In the other states it's legal to sell them. In order to avoid trouble most stores label them as incense burners, water pipes or oil burners or whatever..

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If I was caught with a bong, I would say that I use it to smoke my legal Happy High Herbs


If your in victoria just tell them it's none of there bussiness and give them a polite smile :). Cheeky little rats couldn't take your bong down here even if they personally saw you smoking weed with it.

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Is that really true ? :)


Yeah, it's very true. I've been busted by them many times, even had my house raided and have never had my bong taken in victoria, pricks might take it to be smart arses, but there not allowed too and you won't get any charge or fine (like they do in SA!).


Shouldn't matter anyway unless your smoking in some public park and some one complains or something like that, I've never known them to bother ya that much. From spending a lot of time driving around all the eastern states, I've worked out that victoria has a keep it to your self and we will leave you alone mentality not like the other states, were it feels like the jacks are always on your arse!

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