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whats the best way of cleanin tubs

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Hey guys, I notice heaps of advice at times about cleaning, steralising etc. using bleach or H2O2 BUT... no one ever mentions what strength to use. I notice one reply on here that recommends using a bath of hot water and adding 50 ml H202. Great

How big is the bath and what strength h202 is used ?

Please be more specific with quantities etc or the whole thing is a waste of time to us.

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Hey Gaytime,


what h202 you using, the shit from chemists is 3% and is good shit, but hydro H202's like oxy-clear work good and work out same value as they are 6%. they got the instructions on them usually.

for the 3% clean with about 20ml per 10ltrs and use about 3-4ml per 10ltr, It will prevent root dieseases well but not really control them, fongarid is the shit for that. poured through your plants roots and medium but not back into your system unless its gonna run to waste after that, and as per the directions for soil.

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Thanks for that White Cluster,


At the moment, I am germinating the seeds and getting the shed and other grow box finely tuned. Therefore, I am not using anything at the moment. The reason I asked was so that when I need to use something like this, I will be armed and ready.


Here in WA, there is a company called Growth Technology and they turn out a product called "Oxy Plus". According to the label it is H202 at 50%. This in actual fact is "food grade" as it is called in America.


I checked with the local chemist and the highest strength he could get was 30%. He wanted $37.50 a litre for it.


When I got home, I started to do my homework and found that the Oxy Plus pissed over the other as far as value was concerned. Oxy Plus is $15 for 500ml or $20 for a litre. Work out how many litres @ 3% you can get out of that lot. It says to use, quote:


"To maintain optimum levels of free oxygen in solution, Oxy Plus should be added to the tank every two to three days at the rate of 2 mls per 10 litres. If daily dosage is required, reduce the amount of concentrate by half. test strips are available."


Their address is


1/5 Stockdale Road

O'Connor WA 6163

Ph 08 9331 3091


Just thort you guys like to know.

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