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That's true. Many laws contradict other laws. Also a constitution means nothing unless someone fights for the rights it gives you.

For example if we had freedom of speech but they just put people in jail constantly for speaking out about the government's crimes and none of those people challenged them. The people do not have any freedom, despite that some piece of paper says they do.

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That's true. Many laws contradict other laws. Also a constitution means nothing unless someone fights for the rights it gives you.

For example if we had freedom of speech but they just put people in jail constantly for speaking out about the government's crimes and none of those people challenged them. The people do not have any freedom, despite that some piece of paper says they do.


That one statement basicially sums up the mentality of the western society all in one.


And the herald sun might do a survey about what the "public thinks" when it comes to the legalization of cannabis, but I can already tell you exactly how the survey would turn out! The herald sun will rot your brain it's complete propaganda, it decides how it is, they have no interest in reality and what makes it worse is they have some sick hatred of cannais. Maybe it's cause they know it's the most likely drug to be legalized and have invested interest or something, who knows. But I read that paper everyday for nearly 10 years and I can tell you they go out of there way to demonize cannabis more than the main stream media tends to do.


Fucking rupurt murdoc he's just a pawn for the illuminati!

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Am currently looking at a few different approachs instead of lobbiest groups. Kevin Rudd passed a law when he came into office that states that lobiest groups must be registered with them before they can gain access to ministers. This is a list that has to be approved, its not instant approval, they decide if your issue is to thier approval.

Makes it hard for any lobbiest group to access the people with the minsiterial capacity to make the right decissions.

The law can't change in this current pollitical client. This issue I beleive is a mirror to everything wrong with every other country and our own not to mention " Power Country's " allocating themselves "Big Brother" roles.

I beleive the only approach is to form a pollitical party that is not a pro-cannabis party. ( ie only that medical use of any drug if it helps more than harms should not even be a policy or law issue)

We saw awhile ago Pauline Hanson gain alot of following and alot of seats. And she was a racist, ugly,uneducated Ranga.

I'm sure a group of educated, informed and sick of sitting on the sidelines mj users could do better.

The party is about distancing our selves from the common wealth and creating a new independant nation.

hence a new constitution and a whole new government.

She got heaps of followers because we are not british and who the Fuck is the queen anyway.

the secret is don't demean other races not to be passionet about issues that are not very pc and winning the popularity contest that is the joke of our political system.

And yeah the media is the problem, our governments don't control the masses, Media Dictators do. It's frightening that one media outlet encompassing so much power has the ability to not only control its stories and what it reports on but also by infactual statements or opinions and just using our stupidity as the human race against us.

Never trust what your told should be everyone's policy and we would rule the Universe

Edited by Priceadon2
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Pauline Hanson also went to jail for becoming so popular so quickly.


There needs to be a grass roots group who gives and gets complete support from a already established political party. The green party would be perfect for this, since they do support the use of all drugs that can medically benefit people and reforming the prohibition laws. They are also the only party who have any kind of chance of shaking up the two party mentality, who are actually the exact same parties with the exact same policies, wake up people. They just sit around arguing whether it should be blue or red, not real policies!

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