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Ive gotta pull em REAL early! advice?

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the other day someone said here that I never cop a break. I disagreed - at the time. Well, next on the never-ending-drama-that-is-my-grow/life my landlord/owner visited today and wants to sell the property. That wouldnt be so bad (in the grand scheme of things) but it gets worse - she wants to renovate beforehand - starting next wednesday. And I'm maybe 5weeks from harvest!!!

Fuck me my friends, I thought I'd eventually get on top with this grow then this happens! Anyway the purpose of this... I know I'm guna have to pull em but i got about 5 days to get the best i can outa em(2days extra to flush and clean up). Anyone know something that will kick em in the nuts and give me a bit extra? I though maybe give em a dose of shooting powder? Im at the end of week3 of flower on a supposed 6weeks to maturity strain (the pure) and a couple of bagseeders. Ive got small buds so something, anything that may give me another inch?!

Yeah yeah i know, ive lost the grow and its a write off but maybe i can get something out of it. I cant even pot em and put em out bush as their in DWC tubs. Best I can do is maybe bucket my mum and get a friend to mind it for me so i got something to restart with when i find somewhere else but i cant even rely on that.

Fuck guys I could almost cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my cup runeth over.............

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:rolleyes: Life is hard mate and things seldom go to plan. Are you getting a reduction in rent to make up for the inconvenience of these renovations? 50% I'd ask for. If she doesn't like that idea I'd respectfully say I'd like my privacy until I move out. That is what you pay for after all. She must be doing ok if she can afford to rent you a house mate? Why should it be your plans stuffed around and not hers?


Peace MongyMan

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she cant re rent.. or sell.. or renovate to sell.. until your lease is up.. ring the rent tribunal.. to see where you stand...


youve signed a lease.. and that is a standing contact.. unless YOU break it.. to give you that house for that amount of time.. you have more rights to that house than your landlord does.. thats the point in having a lease... it basically signs that house over to you for the term of that lease..

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:) If she is waiving the rent not alot you can say :) That sux cal, there isn't anything you can do will make any difference in such a short time I know of sorry.


Peace MongyMan


Ps Once a lease agreement ends you still have a lease. The rules change a bit as to how long you or they need to give notice to vacate the premises but apart form that it's fundamentally the same legally.

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keerect. At the end of a lease agreement the parties of the lease may optionally require a new lease to come into effect or continue to extend the existing lease on an ad hoc basis, monthly, weekly, even daily, if you pay the rent at that period. Though the original lease has expired both the lettor and the lessee are still subject to the terms of the lease until it is formally ended.


You _could_ refuse to allow renovations to be started until you are ready, however it sounds like the landlord is offering a reasonable deal. Bitch about the crop but life sometimes sux.

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thats wot i reckon. i gotta cop it, not alot i can do. You know how it is, something fucks up and ya gotta kick against it even if there aint nothing you can do. I'm guna flush tomorrow morn and give it a dose of shooting powder tomorrow afternoon and friday, then flush saturday and sunday and pull monday nite to see wot happens
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