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XPLODE - Liquid Plant Steroid!

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Thats not the stuff i seen in my local

the stuff i seen was a 1 part solution in a clear plastic bottle

it was yellow like wee



next time i go there I'll see if i can get a closer pic of the label

the PK levels in it were scary

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xplode first came out in 2005 and it is a pgr which is leathal shit same as all the other shit rock, superbud, yield master,uturn etc i am a smoker not a commerciallist like that word made it up means greedy money grabing hydro manufactures making shit that seems to give ( and dont take offence ) avarage growers that little bit more but I have done way to much research into these products and there are truely no answers as to whether they can or cant harm you but I personally don,t want to find out. A close friend of mine has been inthe industry for a long time and he personally told me that I am a dickhead if I use it and consume the end product. According to him most of the ingriedients in them have 12 month withholding periods and we use and consume within 8 - 12 weeks so that was enough to steer me away. If you think this is crap research daminozide & paclobutrazol & cycocell etc that is apparently what is in them and on top of that I am lead to believe they cost nothing to make but rort us with bullshit claims and prices sorry for going on but this is the problem or help of knowing someone who has worked with these ass holes. He is to scared to say shit about it but fuck these rich pricks my bros have to consume their poison shit and I have had enough as they just keep bring out more trying to rob us yhe consumer take a stand and say know natural is best may not always give ya the most but I can sleep easy offering my mates a try of my fruits of labour.......fresh........sweet.......tasty........ and it still does the job. Lets say know to these fucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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