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XPLODE - Liquid Plant Steroid!

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Hi All,


I've just started trying EXPLODE which was given to me as a sample (trial) product on the market.


I am really interested in some feedback from those who have tried this already. I have seen some differences in the plants from the start of bloom, and was wondering if anyone else is seeing any change with their plants too.


Thanks for the replies.

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Funny i just got sample given to me to. Your plants seem further ahead than mine so you can probably tell me how it goes.

I only got a few samples of stages one and two but not three. Have you got all three?

I would be interested to hear if anyone has tried this aswell, if not i will just wait for your results ShadowAD.

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Your not missing a bottle. It works with only Stage 1 & 2 Bottles. As advised by the retailer, you use (Stage 1) for stage 1 and use (Stage 2) for stages 2 & 3 following the supplied label directions.


So far the changes are as follows:


ALL leaves are droopy, a bit concerning.

Very little growth in the first week, again concerning as the first 2 weeks of bloom very important for growth!

Have just started Stage 2, no visible change of growth or size in the last 24 hours.


I'm hoping to see some better results before the 2 weeks are up.

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It's simply one of the newer PGR's on the market , quite a few of them seem to be goign for this 2-3 part treatment now which is imo a big wank


PGR's fuck resin content , fuck aroma , fuck with taste and it tightens the buds to an unatural extent


If you can still see a reason to use em by all means :thumbdown: , But anyone that can actually grow will tell you that pgr's are not needed and the impacts they have on a plant are NEGATIVE

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PGR are only useful if you are growing commercially and dont give a fuck about the quality you sell.


If this weed is for u then forget PGR's they are crap. I have used them before and never will again.


PGR's completely change the structure of roots and make them much more susceptible to disease. Have a look at the roots of treated Vs untreated plants its freaky.

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I'm now on the 4th day of the 2nd week of bloom. There is still NO new growth or very little that can be seen by the human eye. One thing that is different is the thickening of all the stems and branches.


I believe in pulling down to yield more, but at this stage it is now too late. The branches (even short one's) are now too thick to bend and pull down without breakage.


If I was to do this again at this stage, I would leave plants in grow for another 5-7 days or to the size I want, then start Xplode.


I still have hope in a good result and will keep you informed of any changes.

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