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25 years jail for possesion of Kush

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In the wacky world of Republicans who love liberty almost as much as they love prisons, an Illinois congressman named Mark Kirk has proposed a competing law to make selling “this new potent marijuana” punishable by $1 million in fines and 25 years in prison.

Apparently Kirk is talking about something called “kush,” which I cannot personally evaluate since I am A) not currently a pot-smoker, and :blink: too crippled by college bills to afford anything that costs $600 an ounce. But for those old-fashioned reality-based types who care about scientific evidence, here’s what the guys in white lab coats say.


CHICAGO - A strain of highly-potent marijuana is hitting the Chicago suburbs and causing concern for local lawmakers. Now they're calling for stricter laws against trafficking.


Tetrahydrocannabinol, known as THC, is the main ingredient in marijuana that gives you a high. It used to measure 4 percent in pot found on the streets in the 90s. But now, pot can be as much as 20 percent THC.


One congressman said with the increased potency, he would lobby to see increased fines because the new marijuana could sell for $600 an ounce. This new 'super marijuana' is much higher in THC. It produce a more intense and longer-lasting high. It also sells for more on the street, and on the street, it's commonly known as "kush."


"Kush is a modified marijuana that delivers up to ten times the THC level of the marijuana we may have seen in the 1960s and 70s," Congressman Mark Kirk said.


Congressman Kirk is proposing federal legislation to make dealing it on a higher level like with cocaine.


Congressman Kirk went on to explain that the high potency marijuana act of 2009 "would increase the penalties just for drug dealers and people making sure they know that the penalties are as high for this new potent marijuana as it is for other high potency drugs."


To give you an example, current legislation calls for fines of $250,000 for an individual and up to five years in prison. Under Mark Kirk's proposed legislation, it would go up to $1 million for an individual and up to 25 years in prison.


Copyright © 2009, WGN-TV, Chicago



15 - 7 - 09

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In the wacky world of Republicans who love liberty almost as much as they love prisons, an Illinois congressman named Mark Kirk has proposed a competing law to make selling “this new potent marijuana” punishable by $1 million in fines and 25 years in prison.

Apparently Kirk is talking about something called “kush,” which I cannot personally evaluate since I am A) not currently a pot-smoker, and :blink: too crippled by college bills to afford anything that costs $600 an ounce. But for those old-fashioned reality-based types who care about scientific evidence, here’s what the guys in white lab coats say.





15 - 7 - 09


When will the lies stop? >:(

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There fuckin kidding arnt they thats life in prison for even a small amount of Kush


He is trying to say that cannabis was only 2% thc what a joke sure natural true breeds are usually less potent but they are still around 10 - 15%THC imagine that growth rate that means in the 2010's it should be 200% according to his calculations

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For other uses, see Kush (disambiguation).



A flowering OG Kush plant

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order: Rosales

Family: Cannabaceae

Genus: Cannabis



Cannabis indica



Kush refers to a subset of strains of indica cannabis. The origins of Kush cannabis are from landrace plants mainly in Afghanistan and sometimes, Iran, Pakistan, and Northern India,[1] with the name coming from the Hindu Kush valleys.[2] "Hindu Kush" strains of cannabis were brought to the United States in the mid to late 1970s and continue to be available to the present day.[3]

Kush strains were among those cultivated by the British firm GW Pharmaceuticals for its legally licensed commercial trial of medicinal cannabis.[4]

Congressman Mark Kirk of Illinois introduced legislation to increase the penalties for selling kush.[5] The High-Potency Marijuana Sentencing Enhancement Act of 2009 (H.R. 2848)[6] increases the penalties for the possession with intent to distribute, manufacture, importation and exportation to maximum fines of $1 million for an individual and $5 million for a group, with a maximum sentence of 25 years from the standard sentencing for marijuana which calls for a maximum fine of $250,000 for an individual, $1 million for a group and up to five years in prison.[7] Kirk said that as kush may sell for up to $600 (USD) per ounce these increases are justified, saying that "if you can make as much money selling pot as cocaine, you should face the same penalties."[7]

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That's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Hmmm... let me see.... instead of growing Kush, I might grow a strain that WON'T get me a $1 Million fine and 25 years in prison but with equal or higher percentage of THC.


Wow... I'm smarter than a Congressman.

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