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CAN FAN questions?

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I use that exact fan although i havent had ANY experience with other fans but ive found its been pretty quiet, especially if your using a carbon filter and a silencer.


Im using a speed controller and only running it about 50% at the moment but i found that before i got the controller it was running 100% and I could just hear it on the other side of a hollow bedroom door but at 50% with carbon filter I cant hear it at all with the door closed and its only a soft hum with the door open and quieter than my computer fans.


Im only using it to vent a space about 100x140x160 and i reakon would easily do twice this area maybe even 3x but i personally wouldnt want it in a room much bigger than that id think. Also ive got it mounted directly ontop a solid wood cabinet which also keeps alot of noise in.


Others can probably give you some other info but hope its helped.




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Thanks Sally??? Whats a silencer? I plan on having it in a stealth cab so I would prefer nothing hanging out the back.

What is a speed controller and how hard are they too hook up?

And the dimension how "deep" is it meaning from the front to the back?

again thanks



(edit) Are you supposed to run the fans 100% of the time ?

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my speed controller is just a small plug that you plug into the socket before the fan and it has a dial like on a light dimmer switch except you cant use light dimmer switches without issues on which i think there are heaps of post already in these boards. You can buy the speed controllers from ebay and hydro supplies ect.


Obviously not hard to hook up its as easy as plug in and select desired speed on the controll.


"And the dimension how "deep" is it meaning from the front to the back?"


I still dont understand what you mean dude. The fan itself like i said is about 25 CM diameter and 20Cm tall (the distance from intake to outlet, or i guess you could say depth of the fan)


and like i said my drobe is about 100CM deep x 140CM wide x 200CM high and the fan is sitting on top mounted vertically with all boxes around it so u cant even see it or the cord.


You can buy silencers but all i mean is making sound proofing for your fan and ducting, it could be as simple as wrapping a blanket around the ducting and making a sound proof box for your fan to sit in, also the more you limit ducting the quieter it will be..


I made a good box for my fan using the original box i got it in sitting inside a larger box with the space between the two filled with thick roofing insulation, then just got a hole in the top cut for the ducting and the ducting.., that alone cut noise by ~30%. then with the carbon filter and speed controller im cheering..


With the running 100% of the time, i personally do, and i have read before that the main reason most fans wear out is the constant starting stopping.. I may be wrong but im under the impression you might actually prolong life of certain fans by running continuously, that is of course with proper maitinance and cleaning....


Also ive read somewhere that if you mount your fan upright instead of sideways its better for the fans because the weights sitting evenly and not on one side..


Hope this answered your questions



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