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Kal Penn goes to White House.

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Kal Penn gets political



This is one of the celebs I contacted requesting help for cannabis legalisation over here in Australia. Can't blame him for going into US politics instead though.


Sorry I haven't been back in awhile. I live a long way from civilisation and rarely visit towns nowadays. I haven't forgotten about trying to create a grassroots movement for queensland. I've just been doing what I do best and buying up high traffic domain names.


Just thought I'd ask if you wanted any free advertising.


I have a funny feeling that I might be just about to make a headline or two.


There is a new ICANN President. He used to be in charge of internethomeland security. Now he is in charge of stopping cybersquatters among other things. Sadly he forgot to buy most of his own domain names and some nasty domain squatter has purchased them.


Wikipedia:-Rod Beckstrom


Ironic don't you think. I talked to him about it online. Technically there is nothing he can do about it. His predecessor made the rules and he sold me the domains.


Selling domains is like shortselling market shares. Its short term thinking. Me? I'm buying up the internet guys!


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Kal Penn should be made head of internet security. Rod Beckstrom couldn't run a chook raffle.


I just can't believe anyone that dumb can be the highest official on the net.


You can now email me at:




I could have very easily stolen his identity and permanently deleted the whole web. If a 9 year old kid in china had beaten me to his domains then he might have started WW3. Paul Twomey should reassume the role and sack Rod immediately.


I sent Rod an email using a pseudonym and he was unaware the domains had even been taken. He thought his staff had secured them.


I could have redirected the domains to his site and stolen most of his traffic without him even noticing. He is so stupid I could probably still sneak into his system and steal his passwords.


Why not? He is probably trying to steal mine.



Anyone want me to crack his system?

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