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Today tonight is shit, don't watch it. Even though you may knw all their information is fabricated, it is quite weasy to recall something they have said and forget it's from today tonight and then believe it is real info.


Anyway.... "Our research has focused on the toxicity of acetaldehyde, which is present in both tobacco and cannabis."

So they basically took one chemical and say that it is present in Cannabis so Cannabis causes 'DNA damage' which isn't even strictly true. It's not like it changes the coding of your DNA like, radiation, for instance. But apart from that, even if that chemical does, clearly there is something in Cannabis that STOPS that! So WHY THE FUCK AREN'T THEY RESEARCHING WHAT THAT CHEMICAL IS!?!?!?!?!?


Name of full study, says it all - 1. Rajinder Singh, Jatinderpal Sandhu, Balvinder Kaur, Tina Juren, William P. Steward, Dan Segerback and Peter B. Farmer (2009) Evaluation of the DNA Damaging Potential of Cannabis Cigarette Smoke by the Determination of Acetaldehyde Derived N2-Ethyl-2′-deoxyguanosine Adducts. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 22, 1181-1188.

Edited by luciddreaming
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They are only roughly 1/4 done in the research of Cannabis and whats in it, and its only in recent years that they have actively started researching or I guess been capable to do so.


If it wasn't illegal, then they could get a lot more funding/resources to research it properly, i'm talking about independant reasearch, not goverment funded/biased.

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"The smoking of 3-4 cannabis cigarettes a day is associated with the same degree of damage to bronchial mucus membranes as 20 or more tobacco cigarettes a day,"

this is BS

i smoke 3 or 4 spliffs 3 or 4 times a day

every day

so i know dis is drug war propperganda

it soundz like a rehash of a pevious cannabis causes cancer scampain

well it has

all been debuked by the anticancer effect of thc

it seams that thc blocks the carcinogenic actions and stop cancers from starting in the first place

after the local doctors read the reprots they all but recomended smoking cannabis and even said cannabis will stop tobbaco carcinogens the same way

so if you somke tobbaco you must put cannabis in it to be safe from carcinogens

forward ever

free cannabis

free the people

free the land

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right on radic


it seams that thc blocks the carcinogenic actions and stop cancers from starting in the first place

after the local doctors read the reprots they all but recomended smoking cannabis and even said cannabis will stop tobbaco carcinogens the same way

they should be researching more into that

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