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StOnEd DriVinG

Guest Urbanhog

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Guest Urbanhog

Just curious about the Holland's relaxed cannabis laws, I was just curious how does the Dutch police "police" stoned drivers like we and other countries "police" drink drivers??? Do they do "sober test" like walking/hopping on one foot, walking in straight line, etc... like how these damned Yankies test their shitfaced drivers??


Is there's some kind of "little machine" that test stoned driver's THC levels?? or they have to resort to blood/urine tests?? because I was thinking of these heavy cannabis users who may even have "high" THC levels even they are not stoned due their tolerence levels, so if the cops did a blood/urine test on a heavy user and they "reckon" he drove stoned but he isn't while a pot smoker who doesn't smoke that much but is extremely stoned and shows high THC levels as heavy cannabis user who isn't even stoned?? Am I explaining/making sense here??


just curious how cops police stoned drivers where cannabis laws is relaxed???


cheerrs Urbanhog B) :rolleyes:

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This is a serious hurdle in the way of legalisation of marijuana. To my knowledge the only ways to test for THC are blood and urine tests. It'd be a bit impractical for the cops to get you to piss into a container when they're doing random tests. I'm very much against people driving bent. You're not only putting your own life at danger, it's other people too. And, as you say, a light smoker may only have a small amount of THC in their system and be affected much worse. How can we overcome this problem. We're the ones who want more lenicancy on marijuana, and we're not going to get it while they can't test us for it. Any one driving in a dangerous state deserves to be punished, whether they're drunk or stoned.
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in the way of testing for cannabis use there are a few more ways than just blood/urine tests, such as:

theres commercial kits that only require a 'wipe' method of testing, for instance, you're mull bowl or even just the table you chopped up.smoked near, the walls in the room you're smoked in etc. these kits are pretty cheap and were directed specially for nosey parents who should be trusting they're children rather than going behind they're backs.

also theres DNA tests, which are quite expensive i do understand, although cannabis users can be found out just by a fingerprint or a hair sample but as i said, quite in-frequently used as they're so expensive.



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Hmmmm, you would still get THC in your mouth if you smoked through a nostril. This unfortunately will lead to an upsurge in the now disused method of sphincter smoking. Sharing joints will become history and many couches and arses will be burned until people learn to stay away from couchlock hydro. Sphincter smoking lost popularity in the 1940's because it was seen as anti social.
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Not sure about the actual procedures of testing etc, but from my time in Amsterdam this July, the police seemed quite tolerant. What was more of a problem, and they seemed to realise this, was harder drugs like ecstasy, speed and coccaine.


Sure, the locals don't like it when stoned tourists stumble through the streets, peering through heavy red eyelids....but the police were quite good.


Actually was smoking hash joints on the balcony of our hotel 'The Citadel' - and next door, was the police station :blink:

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There's a lot of talk in the Dutch politix what to do with this subject.

Fact is that tests have proven that there's no bad effect on your driving while being stoned(on THC), in fact, the tests showed ppl driving even more carefull!

Than there's the fact that THC is still mesurable in your system after two weeks,....and it's hard to tell when the person that is tested, had his/her last toke,...could be some days before they are stopped and have to do an urine test,..wich is still NOT ON in Holland, and for these reasons will not be introduced here in the near future.

about the police tolerance, it's no tolerance, it's the law, as smoking is no crime here it's none of them cops bussiness if you're smoking or not,..you can ask them the road to your hotel with a joint in your mouth and they are not even allowed to start discussing this with you as that would be a violation of your privacy!

The Dutch police is payed, among other things, to guard the privacy of the Dutch population. <<<aint life beautifull??

oh,..yeah,...I'm well aware of the fact that being a born "Amsterdammer" is (sadly enough) a privilege.



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Guest Urbanhog

I am REALLY glad that you are involed in this site TBOAT, because I think it's kinda cool to have a dutch in this Aussie site so we can learn and ask questions anything about the Netherlands.... I guess "Born Lucky" suits you... :rolleyes: ::blink:: ;)



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