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Watering times

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hey nimer,

I think ya seen the pic of my setup - I have nutes runnin 15 mins per hour of light cycle (as my timer has increments of 15 mins minimum) - I also have the nutes circulate a few times in the dark period so as not to let any nutes in bottom of bucket get cold as often roots will grow right down through the 'pot sock' & I dont like the idea of them sitting in cold water for too long.

This method has worked fine for me


be happy

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right now i am running 6min every 6 hours :-) thats 20% runoff every 6 hours..... And plants seem to be doing good. BUt i ahve never seen hydro in action so maby it isnt performing as it should.....


What kidna growth do u guys norm expect from your system? i understand this answer has many varibales but just roughly what growth do u see?

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15 mins per hr?? isnt that a bit over the top?? should be 15 mins per 2 hours.

you may be right weekprick i started off with pure perlite which maybe does not hold the water as well as clay hydroton or hot rocks & was advised at the time 15 mins per hr of light on

however when the plants are growin well & thrivin i get around an inch a day on em so they dont seem to mind. my roots often get so long they grow into the pipes so I figure they are already in nutes all day so may as well keep it flowing & fresh & warm

i tried outdoor once & nearly killed em with too much water! but it seems different in ponics.

interestin what others say about this sort of system & waterin times

Edited by budsta
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