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how do i make this light socket setup for cfl`s?

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I want to make up this kind of light socket setup for cfl`s but not sure how to do it.I think i have the idea but just want to be sure as im no electrican.Does anyone know a tutorial mebee with pics,a step by step tutorial?I know i can get the items needed to make it from bunnings or homehardware but im not sure what kind of cord/plug i need.Any help is appreciated. Edited by ktm250
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The light fittings are standard ceiling battens. Your globes may be either Bayonet or Edison Screw, buy the right type batten for the lamps. I haven't seen Goliath Edison Screw used on CFLs but it's a possibility. Some CFLs also come with a wierd connector that I do not remember the name of but do know you can get a converter from that thing to a standard ES, not sure about adapters to Bayonet.


1mm figure 8 (that's 2 core, each core 1mm^2) would be sufficient for that number of lamps but personally I'd use 1.5mm figure 8. You probably don't need earth and i doubt the battens (which are well, but not necessarily 'double', insulated) will have a connection point for it.





or in other words: A Parallel circuit.


from A (active) 1 core goes to one side of the 1st lamp, the other core, N (neutral) then goes to the other terminal. From here you 'loop' to the next lamp, and next, and next. The terminals on the lamps _probably_ won't be marked 'A' or 'N' because _in most cases_ it doesn't matter with these type of fitting.



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Thanks boronS thanks gills.I think i got the idea.When i go to bunnings ill ask to talk to someone that knows what their on about just to be safe.But atleast now i know that it is called a parallel circuit so i know what to tell the fella im talking to what im trying to do.
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NOTE: Grab one of the battens and look to see if it has an earth connector. If they have an earth you need 3 core cable, standard 3 core house wiring which _resembles_ figure 8 (the earth is between the other two cores and all run parallel along the cable) would be fine or you could simply grab '3 core twisted plastic shield' (think of an extension lead).


the WRONG way to wire would be 'serial':



in this case your four (equivalent load) lamps would only get 1/4th of 240V each. DO NOT DO THIS.

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OK, to be less technical:


You are playing with electricity, DO NOT get bitten.


For most, building and maintaining this stuff is a solitary activity, so should you get a shock there is no-one around to call the ambulance nor do CPR till they arrive. If in doubt, STOP.


Am I trying to put the fear of God into you? Yes. Getting it right is not rocket science but a basic understanding of what you are doing with electricity is required.

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