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Some short CFL Q's.

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Ok so I've finally decided to go with CFL's (cbf doing too much for vent with the HID thing) and I've been looking around and I haven't been able to find any CFL globes that are larger than 20W! Are they availible in australia at all? or is it just like everything else, we're just so slow?: (

Also, with my set up I have an area 1500x800x500, I plan on growing 2 plants at a time, would 7 bulbs@20W each be enough for 2 plants? And the long tube fluro's, are they of any use?


Edited by Amdrew
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I picked up a pair of Nelson 48W 5000K CFL at Bunnings, about $28ea.

I also spotted a pair of EnerSonic 45W 6400K at THE LOCAL 2$ SHOP.


All are standard bayonet fitting.


My space is 550*850 and I plan on maybe as many as 18 small plants, running 2 of the Nelson's and 1 EnerSonic at the moment. I'm deliberatley going for many smaller plants rather than fewer larger ones though.

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I picked up a pair of Nelson 48W 5000K CFL at Bunnings, about $28ea.

I also spotted a pair of EnerSonic 45W 6400K at THE LOCAL 2$ SHOP.


All are standard bayonet fitting.


My space is 550*850 and I plan on maybe as many as 18 small plants, running 2 of the Nelson's and 1 EnerSonic at the moment. I'm deliberatley going for many smaller plants rather than fewer larger ones though.

haha cheers man, im gonna head off to bunnings later on today thanks for that, Ill hit up the dollar shop aswell. How much does it effect the growth/yeild having only ~150w over the plants?

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can't say about yield at this time, only just started on this system a few weeks ago. My initial impression is that the Nelson's appear to be working great, clones taken from mothers outside are growing quite compact, not long and skinny.


I only grabbed the EnerSonic a few days ago, and only for the higher K rating. I am yet to see 'generally available' CFL with higher K's but believe you can get 10000K or better.


Bunnings also had the Nelsons in cooler colours, something around 3400K. I'm going to try a couple of them mixed with either the 5000's or 6400's when I change to flowering.


NOTE: I'm noticing that the 6400's are running quite a bit hotter than the 5000's, which is good in my little grow space now (dead of winter) but I think I'll have to sort out decent ventilation come summer. Vent now is a 120mm hole in the ceiling and whatever gets in through gaps in m' cupboard.

Edited by BaronS
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hey jimbojones5678 I was wondering if its possible to get any bud growth from fluoros, like if there were 4 of the 50 watt tubes around a single plant could it be coaxed to flower at all?

I dont mean a good, productive harvest, I just mean do you think it could it make anything at all to smoke?

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Cfl's are great for mothers and waiting that 2-4wks in veg before whacking it under 400-600hps to bloom. I've looked for energy efficient alternatives but the technology appears either remarkably overpriced (about $1500+ for 600w hps equivalent LCD) or just simply not just there yet....such as cfl. I just recently purchased a 130w CFL made for the purpose of mother/veg. I noticed that they now have a 130w cfl specifically for bloom. The globe I purchased sat in the middle for both globes which suited my purpose better.

I guess what I'm getting is you get what you pay for. I'm not convinced that cfl's that aren't purposely made for agriculture will give results that are worth mentioning.I am convinced that the expensive LCD probably would yield results as it purpose was agricultural.....but given it's new technology is worth the cost?

I've been down the road trying this and that on the cheap. Hell I even used diluted piss on my plants years ago cause I read in a dope mag that "it works". Needless to say I got fuck all and a nasty smelling cupboard in my bedroom. Also did the old cheap odour reduction ideas only to have a neighbor approach me about a 'smell'. He was cool but given I live a social housing area the results could have been disastrous.


So here's my tip.........start of with a 400 hps handwatered system with basic ventilation and after a few grows use the money you have saved to UPGRADE.


I wish, I had done it that way........my first ballast was acquired by a mate cutting the cable at a local park using a axe.....every time I went out I also expected to come home to the fire brigade putting my house out.


Oh and I only have 2 as I only need it for myself......got sick of mixing with fuckwits to score.

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Pretty sure the 2700K & 4000K lamps will be of little value during veg. (from what I read rather than know)


I originally wanted T5 HO (ie. specifically the High Output version) Fluoro, 6500K for veg and probably a mix of mainly 4000K and supplemental 6500K for flowering, because in looking into such these are the fluoros that put out the best wavelengths for the 2 stages, documented in spectrum diags.


I'm 'extrapolating' a bit because I haven't been able to find spectrum info for 'common' CFLs. AFAIK suggesting the output of one 4000K lamp is the same as any other 4000K is a stupid assumption but until someone suggests otherwise 'it's the best I have to go with'. Even though the particular frequency 'curve' of the lights may differ I think it reasonable to expect that lights putting out the same colour (say, 4000K) using the same technology would have very similar curves.

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