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is my growbox too cold?

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I just finished making a small growbox just for vegging that is made from a 500mm(h) X 400mm(w) X 300 (depth) out of a strong cardbourd box and have lined it inside with panda film.I chucked in 2 120mm computer fans for inlet and an outlet of air and through in a 49watt cfl at the top horizontally.


I have been testing it for the last few hours to see what temp it will get to and highest it will reach is 18c.Is this too cold for me babies?I have central heating in the house but cant have it on too much cause it costs heaps to run.

Edited by ktm250
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Im back with pics.Also silly me ,i had the temp gauge right at the bottom so i put it where the seedlings will go and now after 45 minutes at doesnt go past 24.5c with 35humidity.Is 35humidity ok?

The box took me and hour and a half to complete.Just stuck the panda film on with pva glue.

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Hi ktm250,


Do you think that box is going to last once you add moisture to the air inside?


anyways ktm temperatures are important that they don't get too high (over 38-40's) or too low (below 9-10ish).. this is just a rough idea but what is important is the temperature range. Plants don't cope well with a more than a 10 deg cel range with 22 - 24 deg cel being approximately optimal for growing.


Lighting is a way of increasing and maintaining temps in your grow space. CLF's and fluro's produce little heat so depending on where you live the temps will vary a lot.


A good job fitting the fan :thumbsup:



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