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can you sex in the vegie

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have a qestion for ya mate. when changing to bud after dark, does going into 12 12 with the metal halide or whatever u use to veg, make your plants any different from doing it under the hps . have found that everyone does the change under the hps so i have no experience with that . like can you go 12 12 with your veg lamp and then into bud after the two weeks or do you have to go straight to hps for good yeild. i would like to know as i have no access to clones, am starting from seed and dont like the idea of having a mother plant always sitting around and want to only put females in my setup . Have trouble with genetics so have to sort peoples fucking shitty crosses out my big mix of seed
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yup just use the same globe for the growth and flower if thats what your asking .. mh / hps no noticeable difference imo




well if ya got money to burn then you might want to have two different globes but either way the yeild will be good if you use quality globes that arent worn out

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of course you can flower with a MH... for the first few grows i done was all MH.. as HPS wasnt around.. and when they did become available.. they were twice the cost as MH.. at around 1000$... these days theyre a lot cheaper.. around half that cost..


the reason people switch to HPS is purely for bud production and yields.. as you will get around 30% extra yield from a HPS over a MH...


doesnt mean the buds under a MH will be crap.. they will still be very nice.. they just wont fill out as much as a HPS will.. and sometimes they will end up a little stretchy due to the extra blue spectrum in with MH...


if you can afford it.. switch to HPS.. if not.. stick with the MH and upgrade when you can..

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Thanks boys I am pretty sure you two are the most active stoners in the whole of australia . two thumbs up .Wish i could meet yous one day haha .


ok so what if i wanna change to 12/12 under cfl then change to hps as soon as i know that they are female is this ok


if so fuck yes i just want to save space and use fuck all power and not grow males .

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