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CFL Bulb Adapters

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I have built a 900mmX500mmX400mm growbox and i have a 6 socket power board that i want to intall inside on the top rear of the box so i can plug in 4 or mabee 6 cfl veg bulbs(like in pic two).But i have no idea where to get some bayonet CFL Bulb Adapters from.I have searched the net and every hydroponic web site i can find and cant find any apart from over seas which dont connect to aussie power boards.


Where can i get these from?Also where can i find the Y shaped bayonet cfl sockets the same as in pic one?I cant find anywhere to buy these either.I have built my growbox and have put in panda film and the fans and now im stuck there cause i cant find these items to finish my project.Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Edited by ktm250
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if they're a standard bayonet then I wouldn't say the Y pieces are common but you should be able to get them at even corner hardware stores or maybe the $2 shop.


Personally, I'd rather run a lead to each light and just bring back the heads of the leads to a power board.

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Hmm, 6 points and 8-10 plugs...


If you are using computer fans you can safely splice those together into one power plug. Do you really need 4 fans? The CFL's don't throw all that much heat out do they?


The lights you'll want individual leads and plugs for each for max wattage/lumens.


Y shape adapter... duct tape is your friend :D



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I built the growbox and i had a wooden filing cabinate that i took the draws out of and took them apart and i put the front of the draws with the handle on the front of my growbox so it looks like a set of draws.They have been glued there so cant be opend.The point of this is for stealth.

The rear of my box is the entrance.The rear has 4 computer fans wired up to 240v chargers.2 fans for intake and 2 for outtake.The reason for having so many fans is because i wasnt sure how many cfl`s i was going to use and was not sure how hot it would get in there being all closed up.

I didnt want to use seperate plugs for each cfl because of all the stuffing around with cutting holes for the cfl sockets to fit into and then i have about 10 different cordscoming out of the rear and 2 power boards which looks mighty obvious.

The whole poit to this growbox is stealth.

I have seen some people have bayonete sockets with the 3 pin plug on the other end that plugs directly into a powerboard.

That is what i need.I can only find them overseas.

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could be anything from looking at that pic.


What you are calling a 'black power board' is, to me, nothing more than some form of spare globe storage. Could be dark coloured foam for all I can see.


If you don't want individual leads going back outside your area just wire your lights in parallel.


or tell me what sort of connector your lights are (bayonet, goliath/edison screw, whatever those wierd CFL ones are)

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