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"Long-term effects

Research shows evidence of some long-term effects in some regular cannabis users.


Respiratory illness

Marijuana cigarettes have more tar than tobacco, placing cannabis users at an increased risk of respiratory illness such as lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. Cigarette smokers who also smoke cannabis have an even greater risk of respiratory disease.

Reduced motivation

Many regular users have reported that they have less energy and motivation, so that performance at work or school suffers.

Brain function

Concentration, memory and the ability to learn can all be reduced by regular cannabis use. These effects can last for several months after ceasing cannabis use.


Cannabis can affect hormone production. Research shows that some cannabis users have a lower sex drive. Irregular menstrual cycles and lowered sperm counts have also been reported.

Immune system

There is some concern that cannabis smoking may impair the functioning of the immune system. "


... :) lies... i seem to be reading stupid phrases throughout like "It is believed that" "some research has indicated" "there is some evidence that..." bloody fucktards dont have a clue.

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NCPIC :), "The general health risks and harms associated with cannabis use are well documented and therefore will not be discussed in full detail here. Cannabis use among young offenders, however, has been linked to .... risky substance use and risky sexual behaviours." lmfao, now i know WHY i am so sexually risky!




"Some cannabinoids, and thus their synthetic analogues, have clear therapeutic potential15. This should be clearly distinct from the use of natural cannabis. Studies have shown that the toxicity of synthetic analogues is low and they are unlikely to cause physical dependence16. However, when cannabis is smoked, hundreds of other chemicals interact and cannot be safely used. Thus, synthetic analogous of certain cannabinoids have been created in order to isolate their effect from the undesirable harmful effects of natural cannabis." I don't understand, what exactly are the UNDESIRABLE HARMFUL effects of natural cannabis?


""NCPIC Mission: The NCPIC mission is to reduce the use of cannabis in Australia by preventing uptake and providing the community with evidence-based information and interventions. "" Oh how i hate thee.

Edited by 420 HELI
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"Research shows that...." whenever I see a sentence beginning like that I expect to disbelieve what comes next. With all the crap we've had on tv and ads from the government and NCPIC of late, its a wonder anyone believes anything that any of them say anymore.


Here's to a peaceful smoke, and the experts and researchers can all be damned

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