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Soil-like media

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though I appreciate that better results happen with more 'exotic' media (coco, nute solutions, aerogardens, whatever) I'm 'easing into' the indoor thing, I'd like to 1st use pots full of 'soil' thank you.


I have a few cuttings in 'the small cupboard' growing in a pot of what is essentially a mix of dirt and potting mix. I'm going to have to repot soon 'coz the little ladies are powering along quite nicely.


I'm also thinking of dedicating this space to 18/6. There's another space I can use for 12/12.


I'm thinking that maybe 6 250*250 square pots pretty well fills my 550*850 base. The two lamps (CFL) would also then neatly sit center of the 4 pots (2 outer and 2 inner each). Youngest plants in the center pair, older to each side, staggered movement to put two pots at a time into 12/12.




xxl x lxx






x is space, to be filled :-)


A decent potting mix (large bag), maybe a small bag of each of perlite and vermiculite, maybe some dynamic lifter (but be light on it at 1st), what else?

I'm hoping for something I can use immediately but am prepared to look to future, brew it and leave it in the garden for a while before it becomes 'media'.


BTW: Yes, Subcools Super Soil looks like something to aim for, but from what I see it needs cooking (time) and I haven't yet got into the act.

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Hey Frazz, glad I came back to this. If you look at my 'a small cupboard' thread in the Building and Construction forum you will see I've had ALL SORTS OF PROBLEMS. No big deal, new setup and I expect hiccups.


Important is your comment about perlite, one of the (many) problems I have encountered was that the soil in the little round pot I was using as a 'starter' was quite heavily compacted in the bottom of the pot. The 'soil' (potting mix + dirt) was quite lightly placed in the pot but I guess that watering caused the compaction. When I broke apart the dirt in the pot the bottom couple of inches could have pretty well passed for concrete (that comment may resemble exageration).

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hi can anyone tell me a good potting soil to grow in.Have read that acidic soil is no good nor alkaline soil /potting mix was going to get potting mix that is used for azalleas ect ect but am unsure and bunnings isnt really a place I can ask.

Am alsowondering if potting mix for tomatoes is ideal for growing in.

Would like to be able to get potting soil that is complete with all nutrients needed to grow good healthy plants.Any advice would be appreciated thankx

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Searles premium potting mix is pretty good I hear, If you can find it, sometimes smaller/local nurseries stock it.


Its handy to add perlite to any soil you use, assists drainage, as well as a layer of rocks or clay pepples on the bottom of the pot.


If you can't find the above, just any decent(not cheap potting mix/soil at under $10 a bag) potting mix. Try to avoid potting mix that has a lot of wood chips in it, thats what makes it acidic.

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