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Guest Field_of_Light

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pipeman, I've gotta ask. What are those lights in your last picture? Looks like those weeny fluro bulbs. Are they like those grow-lux tubes (colour adjusted to resembel sunlight). Forgive my ignorance but I know next to bugger all about artificial light and hydro (although your mums are in soil .. groan, another permutation ..)
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pipeman, I've gotta ask. What are those lights in your last picture? Looks like those weeny fluro bulbs. Are they like those grow-lux tubes (colour adjusted to resembel sunlight). Forgive my ignorance but I know next to bugger all about artificial light and hydro (although your mums are in soil .. groan, another permutation ..)

they're compact fluoros hung from lamp fittings got out of cheap busted up lamps. not sure if warm white or cool white, just globes from the supermarket

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just globes from the supermarket

damn .. are they the right colour spectrum to substitiute for sunlight ? I guess if your plants are growing they must be ..

All types of fluoro will grow plants alright, for mothers its not worth worrying about type of fluoro IMO. Unless you are taking 200 clones every month or something silly like that :)

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