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Classic Stoner Movies

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Hey Everybody


Some Movies you gotta check out


* Cheech And Chong - Up In Smoke

* Cheech And Chong - Next movie

* Cheech And Chong - Live In Amstradam

* Half Baked (produced by cheech & Chong)

* How High (produced by Danny Divito /Black Comedy)

* Big Lowboslkie

* Yellow Submarine

* Secerent Agent 420


You guys should get a kick out of these

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One that I don't know too many people who have seen is Cheech and Chong - The Corsican Brothers... The torture/sex scene is hilarious, I laughed for days... :B): Haven't seen it around for years though, anyone else seen it, or know where you could find it? How about we start a petition for a Cheech and Chong movie marathon? They could get the boys to introduce the movies and talk about making the movies. If they still talk to each other that is. Didn't I see somewhere that Chong and his daughter were going to make a flick? lol
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Funny I read this thread; the "Corsican Brothers" was on the TV just the other week here in Brisbane. A couple Cheech and Chong movie that hasn't been listed here is "Things are tough all over" And "Nice dreams".


Nice Dreams has an excellent couple scenes where a guy has his grow under what appears to be an in-ground swimming pool from the sky. Way ahead of it's time lol.



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Cheech n Chong movies went downhill after the Reagan Drug Initiative in the 80's ( just say no ) They practically banned all drug references from movies made in the USA

Check out the dismal "GET OUT OF MY ROOM" video if you feel like wasting time and money :P

I've heard that because of this they parted ways ( one agreed - one didn't )


p.s I met Cheech in a chatroom at Paltalk one nite ay - ( no shit )



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