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New lease on life - abused plants

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got handed some sad plants. Couldnt put them to rest so hv sparked up my old room (after a good cleanup).

plants given were white rhinos and 1 bigred.


leaves were burnt tips, yellowing which i think is lights too close,

they were in coco/perlite, hving grwn in it before the first thing i did was measure runoff, plain tapwater 0 cf in --- 26 cf out!

washed out the coco and repotted in calyballs for my bubbler, weak (10cf) noots, au60,rhizotonic (1/4 strength) lets see if i can revive them. Also got given 3 healthier rhinos (clones) but in soil as m8 gaveup on coco (thk god)

ph - well cant find by digi so going by liquid tester - looks piss yellow so gather around 6.


wondering if i should give em a weak bit of h202 to cleanout any rootrot..

have 6% h202 from pharmacy - for bleaching hair. Gong to take em out and giveem a dose of h202 seperatley and thn back to bubbler.







sorry no root porn - no roots dropping yet, they are in the net stil as i hav to repot.

Edited by Samjana
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did a quick chk - res is 18-19, ph is btwn 5-6 sumwhere. cf 13. rooms 20ish

Think we might be in for recovery phase, roots starting to peak out from net pot. not much change in canopy.

Now to avoid my noobie mistake of - keep messin with em - :xcited:. They should be fine for a few days

gna resist the urge!

Too much tlc can do alot of damage -

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hv been through two day flush. Given em low ppm 500-600, moved up to 700ppm, today up'd to 980ppm as the leaves are yellowing. ph has been kept around 5.7ph mark, res temps 22, room on/on 25/19c

using flairform 1 part, veg

phythoff - 1/2 strength

rhizo/ 1/4


leaves are pointing up know so hpefully they'll start to grow!


bit sad, cldnt do much else. still learning to dial in noot strength.


dunno wot hppnd here but has stopped so fingers x'd






Edited by Samjana
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