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Survey on quiting Cannabis

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For the past 30 years in stable employment I'd enjoy a relaxing chuff with my mates at the end of a day but then I saw a brochure from NCPIC and it told me that Cannabis was bad and would make me unreliable and I believed it!!

And then the brochure told me that if I don't stop imbibing of the sweet mj that I'd turn phsycotic and commit despicable violent crimes on those I love and I believed it!!

And then the brochure told me that I was on the first step to becoming a junkie and a really bad guy and I believed it!!


But luckily for me the wonderful white-coat brigade at NCPIC have another brochure that promises to help me overcome my most terrible addiction!! and it must be true because it was printed on glossy paper and it has pictures of smiling faces inside and the logo of the Australian government on the cover so I know that everything printed in it must be true.


On second thoughts bufo perhaps you'd better put me down for number 7

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Bufo definately No7.


Don't care what they do they will NEVER stop me having my medicine

To quote Matt Taylor and Chain


"They will never break my spirit even when my body is black and blue"


Their unholy war on drugs does not frighten me

The lies of their propaganda machine do not frighten me

Their threats of jail and fines do not frighten me

Death does not frighten me


Living without effective pain medication, THAT frightens the crap out of me!!

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G'day Bufo,

I held off reading this topic for a few days as I knew it would be fucken funny as :)

Plus I've had to have a break from the Internet coz I put way too much of myself into this all at times , was nice to ge away :(

Heheh , enjoyed this thread so far though ... bloody excellent ... :bongon:


I'm glad you took the time to give a brief summary about your Canna-Years also ... and your anger is righteous , put into expression therefore Action ... and that is Art ... :faint:

As well as the sarcastic humour : D I can also relate to alot of what else you mentioned ... though I've got a few years to catch up ... Still canna wanna kick the booze :D


I recently and manicly typed out about 4 pages trying to simplify my own Canna-years and experiences , trying to avoid anger and just tell the facts that I could tell (unfortunatly much of the most important incidences cannont be revealed in a public forum) ... The real persecution stories have to wait for more discreet discussion of course ; )

It was for me to put up here at OS as an honest Declaration to start , so I was trying to construct it in a way that seemed non-arrogant , self-indulgent , boo-hoo-ish etc etc ... whilst also trying to reconstruct a series of events that ahve somewhat defined an entire Canna-Life-Story ... :wub:

Um .. dunno what else to say except that I realized it was quite difficult to do this , so personal even if no personal facts are revealed.

I consider keeping my mouth shut for now (or Brain to key-fingers synapses blocked) :wacko: and maybe waiting till I'm on my proverbial End-Life to publish the story ... But who knows ... I believe that stories of persecution , harassment and corruption NEED to be told eventually , I just wonder "IF , it would indeed be better late than never in this case , as is seen in so many other cases regarding untold persecution and Human Rights abuses. :peace:


Anyway , I get ahead of myself there , not like me I know ... just always great to hear about others honest and lifechanging experiences .. the intimacy of true community is maybe the ony thing lacking within these beloved , over-gruntling and sometimes dis potent forums that is OS :freak: So Cheerz.


O.k. where was I going with this? .. (ooh , great song , back in a dance Wooooo!!) :D



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Ahem ... Oh yeh .. The "Giving up" Poll heheh :wub:

Well , #7 is pretty popular and seemingly apt for many of us here yeh ... hmmm ...


Um , I'll go with number : #12 :

I gave up once to pacify an important person in my life ... (I only smoked a few cones of Poe'ey Hydge in the evenings) , also gave up Beer ... (so only about 8 beers a night) :wacko: ... yep , I did really well ( I also was eating about a 1/2 a Kilo of Breakfast cereal each day to compensate) ... and that little experiment didn't last long :bow:


Also , if ya got time (checks watch) ... WHen I went to short-term Detox/rehab one time , that was fucked up ... more coffee and cigarette and sugary buiscuits were consumed than you could barely imagine ... Great cure for drug addictions and schizo's yeh? ... give up their drug of choice and end up doing nothing smoking drinking coffee and taking Pharmas (mostly valium for detox) FFS!? :freak:

Well ofc I wasn't going Into Detox without the proper supplies , I took a botttle of Tequila in my sock and Baggy pants and a Poe'ey little bag of Hydro nuggets taped to the inside of my Boxer shorts :D heheh , and thank fuck I did too ... I got to see the inner sanctum , reverse engineer their proceedings and make them fear the astute thinker who is not "mentally Ill" they suffer problems for which there is little help available for ... locking people up and restricting their personal freedoms all the while pumping in random suss "pharma" drugs into them on an hourly basis ...


And Just One Last Note : The people I have met that have been in Detox/Psyche "Clinics" or experienced it are nearly always quite intellgent and skilled people , many artists .. eutrapeneurs .. Intellectuals or just heighly enlightened , spritual and just Free Thinking Individuals ... The struggles of life vary from one individual to another ... but we all remain in the same domain regardless , All In the same Life Boat so to speak :D


Geez , I've gone on a bit ... I better check what the topic was again :sly: .. .oh no I remember now , hahehehah , Bufo you funny Mullafulla 8)

Anyhoo , Cheerz All ...


Budman :peace:


P.s. Where is the HEMP Party poll-vote? heheh :)


P.s.s. I've gotten so lost typing this I'm giving up Hah! : D .. How the hell do ya edit so many smilies back to 15 without totally making the reply totally incomprehensible .. (yeh sure sure Budman , blame the lack of Emoticons : P) yeh well I do , one day all language will be conducted enirely of fantastical Emoticons beyond belief , divinied in the minds eye and Omni-communicational throughout humanity .. throughout the Cosmos and beyond .. The Singularity ... Gnosis :faint: Bye 4 now ...

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he he bufo

good thread

give up if people want to but i say why?

i gave up about 15y ago for a month when i got busted but soon got over that

and looking back i have smoked every day since without missing a day

this includes the time i was admited to hosipital with leptosperous(liver and kidneys shutting down)would sneek out for a pipe he he





That's a polite number 7 with high a commendation for the hospital sessions, well done stinky. Your $20 voucher would have came with a bonus spot of hash


10. I gave up once because i was BORED with smoking shit weed. Sad but true.


This is the type of survey that needs to be done. Questions generated by Cannabis Consumers themselves. Not some pre-determined ramblings compiled by people who pat each other on the back. With little to no inkling of what a comsumer may experience, day in 'n day out.


A doctorate or certificate doesn't make one an expert in a certain field. Hands on experience offers more than what any studies ever can.


Good answer Indy, shit Cannabis under-grown by greedy crims is a legitimate reason and happens frequently when unable to access decent dakka.

I can't believe how interesting the answers are getting, what have those turkeys at NDARC got to loose by embracing the truth? except their misconceptions? ;)


I feel obliged to take part in your survey Bufo, as I'm sure I've smoked $20 of your cannabis already :) ..either at MG or stuff my mates bought from bikies who get it from the pigs that stole it from you


;) :bongon: funny shit, good one mate.


As for my answer.. well I quit for 2 days about a week ago because I was starting to become a bit depressed with the crappy buds I'm left with atm


Oooo another answer No. 10 , I knew that one was a good answer, fuck better get the calculator out, the research is mounting


Now go ahead and pigeon-hole me into your survey and please take me out of context and use your 'evidence' to damn all cannabis users to an eternal existence of persecution and humiliation :faint:

Well, I'll do my best man but I'm up against some stiff competition. Thanks for playing :bow:


Exactly the same here Indy. ABsolutely fed up I cant source premo hydro all the time. Gave up....for a while


Another answer No. 10

See, this one has popped up as a contender for answer No. 7

Bet the 'experts' downtown didn't see this one coming

Thanks ettin, a non redeemable $20 Cannabis voucher is likely to head your way! Thanks for voting :sly:


I'll answer number 7. I don't really smoke constantly since I'm broke. So just get it when I can. So I couldn't really say I've 'quit' per se. But yeah, I'm not gonna stop, as far as I can see.


That's a number 7 with a half twist on the money, hmmmm :wacko:

Trust you to confuse me luciddreaming, I think that will need another category.

Good answer, but I'm going to smoke your $20 gift voucher worth of gear for giving me extra work. Hey your broke, you'll get over it :D :) and thanks for playing.



Mistyville and Gee, hey! didn't pick you pair as the survey types but will manipulate your answers into my findings, you's can fight over the foily voucher



For the past 30 years in stable employment I'd enjoy a relaxing chuff with my mates at the end of a day but then I saw a brochure from NCPIC.....

30 years is good enough for me man, lets not scare ourselves with the fairy tales from that crew. Bloody good answer though hehe



On second thoughts bufo perhaps you'd better put me down for number 7

I hear ya loud and clear chuffer, Number 7 it is dude, and thanks for posting :(



Bufo definately No7.


Don't care what they do they will NEVER stop me having my medicine

To quote Matt Taylor and Chain


"They will never break my spirit even when my body is black and blue"


:D How the hell can anyone say Cannabis sends you stupid when you see quality responses such as this. Not only has lightning picked the top answer, but as well, quoted from the classic 'Black and Blue' by Oz best ever blue's line up.

Top marks, bloody good answer and another number 7 :freak:



Um , I'll go with number : #12 :

I gave up once to pacify an important person in my life ... (I only smoked a few cones of Poe'ey Hydge in the evenings) , also gave up Beer ... (so only about 8 beers a night) ... yep , I did really well ( I also was eating about a 1/2 a Kilo of Breakfast cereal each day to compensate) ... and that little experiment didn't last longl

Cool, Number 12, breakfast cereal :wub: now were getting somewhere!



Well ofc I wasn't going Into Detox without the proper supplies , I took a botttle of Tequila in my sock and Baggy pants and a Poe'ey little bag of Hydro nuggets taped to the inside of my Boxer shorts heheh , and thank fuck I did too ... I got to see the inner sanctum , reverse engineer their proceedings and make them fear the astute thinker who is not "mentally Ill"

Budman now that's the sort of addiction to substance abuse I'm talkin about

1 vote for number 12 and one vote for number 7

I'm sorry Budman but your obvious and overwhelming dedication over ruled your own answer

Thanks for playing :peace:

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Are you the type of person who can't think for themselves?

Do you have a compulsion to make the sniping assholes around you feel better about themselves by taking their shit?

Well I want to know! :xcited:


Tell me how you gave up Cannabis, apparently it's important?


  1. You slammed your cock in a car door to take your mind off wanting a scoob
  2. Mummy told you to stop because it's bad, so you believed her.
  3. You found a girlfriend like sally r
  4. You found a boyfriend like Fred Nile
  5. Heroin and ice became easier to find these days thanks to the war on drugs
  6. Pissed and out of control is a much better look in your opinion
  7. I'm not quitting for anyone, go fuck yourself, and the donkey you rode in on!


Make this answer number 14 if it hasn't already been taken.


14. I gave up when the cops knocked on the door and took me and my plants away. Well for the three hours it took to process me and get a JP to bail me out. Then I went home and had some hash that they didn't find. It was easy to stop they had "No smoking " signs all around the station house. >:(

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Make this answer number 14 if it hasn't already been taken.


14. I gave up when the cops knocked on the door and took me and my plants away. Well for the three hours it took to process me and get a JP to bail me out. Then I went home and had some hash that they didn't find. It was easy to stop they had "No smoking " signs all around the station house. :nono:


Aaargghh, man that's gotta suck, hope it wasn't recent, but glad to hear you saved some nice putty, well done :xcited:

That's a new category! >:( but a familiar one, The War On Drugs :nono: This category is so fucking redundant any scores here are going to be scored negatively to highlight it's worthlessness to society.

So that's a negative one for Number 14 and a complimentary bonus score to number 7 for smoking some hash after the bust.

Thanks for playing Let's Do a Drug Survey

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Aaargghh, man that's gotta suck, hope it wasn't recent, but glad to hear you saved some nice putty, well done >:(

That's a new category! :xcited: but a familiar one, The War On Drugs :nono: This category is so fucking redundant any scores here are going to be scored negatively to highlight it's worthlessness to society.

So that's a negative one for Number 14 and a complimentary bonus score to number 7 for smoking some hash after the bust.

Thanks for playing Let's Do a Drug Survey


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Aaargghh, man that's gotta suck, hope it wasn't recent, but glad to hear you saved some nice putty, well done :nono:

That's a new category! :xcited: but a familiar one, The War On Drugs >:( This category is so fucking redundant any scores here are going to be scored negatively to highlight it's worthlessness to society.

So that's a negative one for Number 14 and a complimentary bonus score to number 7 for smoking some hash after the bust.

Thanks for playing Let's Do a Drug Survey


No mate a long time ago. I actually had forgotten I had the hash until I started to walk home. I think I almost shit my pants then, so I had to have a joint to calm me down. The station house is only about a 10 min walk. :nono:

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This is Nyah Here, Radic's other half

(of the parental unit, he is really quite a whole guy in his own right)


I haven't needed a smoke today due to the psychological high induced by LMAO at this thread!!!!!!!


oh and I went to African dance, so too busy to smoke so far, although last week we all had a choof after class in the hall and it was irie as

I have "quit" on and off for yrs,about 20, but the quits were only days or maybe months (when preggers with some of our kids) but no more and neva again (cept for the parental clause when kids cost too much and living in town, where people threaten you and steal yah medicine putting a dampener on the grow incentive)

even my kids get worried when I mention stopping, as they know I am much nicer to live with with mi fav Herb in me

I have been "Rad ordered" (yes my Radic is my bush doctor) to use it everyday, as medicine for "I'm too sensitive and post tramautized" to find life tolerable without it, or bipolar or cycloathymic whateva lable, don't care, I 'm me, "acutely sensitive" is the nice way to say it

Even my Doc(,a real MD no less, not only a MD but, shock horror, an actual Healer!!!!) told me "Cannabis keeps us in the NOW, where our Souls live, instead of living in our ego's, which lives in the past and future"

My ego can be a fulltime bitch so I keep her in her place with regular doses of Soul Herb

so put me down as a no 7

me fav number

thats why I had 7 kids

the only thing that could possibly make I give up Herb altogether, is lack of availablility due to Babylon fuckery

but I gotta say I can't get enuff of it, so far

I recently started bong smoking, and got up to 6 cones a day, plus about 4 to six mil of tinc and a speck of oil to eat when I can, but I have cut down to about 1 or two cones a day

How? started yoga, dance, and on days I go to choir I rely on psychological high from singing with others, until I get home, I would have a smoke there tho, it would only enhance and improve the singing and the beauty of the soul community I sing with, most of the people I sing with are on pych meds and its soooo sad to see some of them them struggle to FEEL and be totally PRESENT on soul-leaching toxic DRUGS ( the "mediSIN I would be on, if not for the Gahds Grace in form sweet irie Cannabliss

I don't actually enjoy the smoking act so much as the high itself so its easy to smoke less

But heres the thing

I real-eyezed I am a Rasta

and for a Ras

Herb is as natural and as vital as breathing

I would as soon give up Cannabis as give up breathing, given a choise,( which as soveign beings we inherently have free-will,) and no system of intimidation or misinformation is gonna dupe I into turning I back on I Sacred, Sacremental, medicinal soul food, although eating it,drinking it vaping it and rubbing it on my body might become I preference for ingetment as I mature, and the supply inevitabley ebbs and flows (until I can get I self together to grow)

What can I say???? its a natural ting

life without money is easier than life without Herb

Blessed Love and Guidance

I-Sis Nyah I water Lilly

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