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Survey on quiting Cannabis

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Damn... considering this is a STONER forum there's some serious people in here!


Bufo put me down for #7 and also #8 I temporarily quit because I can't remember where I left my fuckin bong.


Maybe even #9 I quit cos Sally r smoked all my green.

Edited by Gee
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he he bufo

good thread

give up if people want to but i say why?

i gave up about 15y ago for a month when i got busted but soon got over that

and looking back i have smoked every day since without missing a day

this includes the time i was admited to hosipital with leptosperous(liver and kidneys shutting down)would sneek out for a pipe he he


stinky <_< :peace:

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10. I gave up once because i was BORED with smoking shit weed. Sad but true.


This is the type of survey that needs to be done. Questions generated by Cannabis Consumers themselves. Not some pre-determined ramblings compiled by people who pat each other on the back. With little to no inkling of what a comsumer may experience, day in 'n day out.


A doctorate or certificate doesn't make one an expert in a certain field. Hands on experience offers more than what any studies ever can.



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I feel obliged to take part in your survey Bufo, as I'm sure I've smoked $20 of your cannabis already lol ..either at MG or stuff my mates bought from bikies who get it from the pigs that stole it from you lol


As for my answer.. well I quit for 2 days about a week ago because I was starting to become a bit depressed with the crappy buds I'm left with atm :peace:


lol 2 days was more than enough straightness to remind me that the world is still as fucked up and beautiful as it was the last time I quit cannabis (a few yrs now <_< ) and in the end, how much I smoke makes no real difference to anyone :)


Now go ahead and pigeon-hole me into your survey and please take me out of context and use your 'evidence' to damn all cannabis users to an eternal existence of persecution and humiliation :peace:

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iamnotacop if you didn't see me pulling the piss, shit happens.


Sorry bufo...


I hereby unconditionally apologize for any response that I may have made in a thread that I thought was a genuine effort to get the opinions of normal smokers/Ex smokers.


I believe that I took the thread too seriously, mistakenly, and the fact that I think bufo is a ######## is totally and absolutely irrelevant.



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Laughing my arse off as they say lol good answers stoners/ex stoners.


Suppose I will join in and share a few 'episodes'

Think I was 16 when I first had spots of imported hash on knives on the stove, Thai sticks were still around but getting hard to find, people were starting to grow their own and big sativas took nine months from seed to harvest, Skunk wasn't yet bred and the only available seed was what came in the 'foil' lol

I can recall hallucinating from smoking Cannabis back then because I was so drunk when I used to get the courage up to try some, alcohol mixed with Cannabis really used to smash me and I went as hard as any young fella,... until I was about 22.

At that stage grog was really getting a grip on me, I'd been drinking since starting work at 15, thursday, friday, saturday nights full on pissed and out of control usually, fighting, making a cunt of myself, absolutely no fear and no brains I started getting locked up but worse I started needing less and less grog to start slurring, staggering and blacking out. Half a dozen stubbies would have me bouncing off the people around, I was not in good shape and seemed to be in a rut I couldn't get myself out of, a girl got the better of me so I moved away from town to try and sort my shit out.

Was bloody hard learning to socialise without a drink, but looking back that was what I did. I rented a place, found some work, kept to myself and started to grow my own properly.

Life was good, I was finally living peacefully, then I was raided.

This was the start of another world.

Court ordered psychiatric evaluation, compulsory re-hab, reporting weekly for years of probation, community service, lots and lots of 'important' people trying to tell me I had something wrong with me, theories on why I had this 'addiction' issue, problems with 'authority'.

Did I stop smoking?

No fucking way! :peace:

I rode the pushy to community service, smashed it in record time. Community service was great I met heaps of new diggers to score off!

Completed re-hab and ended up convincing our counsellor that Cannabis should be legalised :) hehe, classic.

Reported to probation on time till it was finished, found a job, met my ex, raised a family. All the while happily smoking.

Things change again.

Responsibility entered my life, I had kids to look after, bills to pay, Cannabis was getting expensive and the quality was going to shit, wet pgr buds became the norm :peace:

Did I stop smoking? At times yes,

if we needed the money for other stuff yes, as any normal parent would.

However this does not stop me from smoking completely, I only choose to stop when I want to and lived from $50 bag to $50 bag, slipping back into old drinking habits, buying and selling ounces, till in desperation I decide to try growing indoors.

After a lot of sacrifice, scrimping and saving, 'finding' stuff at work I had my own grow cab and started enjoying my Cannabis even more.

Gone was the anxiety of whether we could afford it, handing over hard earned cash.

Gone was the paranoia of constantly dealing and scoring off known criminals.

I quit smoking cigarrettes.

Completely got over the grog.

Actually lost weight.

Became healthier and have not looked back in 10 years of indoor growing.

I just got busted again recently, do I intend to let this influence whether or not I smoke?

No fucking way! lol

I'll have an indoor crop in again by the end of the year, hopefully 2

Smoking and growing will be with me for a long time, it's not something I really think much about it's just the way things are, I enjoy it, it keeps me balanced, it enhances my life.

Anytime anyone has ever tried to make me feel guilty, my mother, my ex, my kids, my friends, previous employers, that poor councellor from rehab :) it has not worked as I know deep inside they are not seeing things from my point of view, they can't. Their's is more a view created from all the shit they blindly believe, shit that comes from flawed science and greedy fuckers with a hidden agenda who these people have mistakenly trusted.

So to sum things up, I will answer number 7, it's the only answer for me. It's not that I want to keep fighting with anyone and everyone over my views with Cannabis, but I will, as I don't know any other way.


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HAHA this is what I love! <_<

Love this shit man haha (except for the serious bit in the middle with iamnotacop) The silly mini-society kind of thing with constant clever jokes and references etc. If you have any idea what the fuck I'm talking about :peace: It's hard to describe except by just saying 'stoner humour' lol

I'll answer number 7. I don't really smoke constantly since I'm broke. So just get it when I can. So I couldn't really say I've 'quit' per se. But yeah, I'm not gonna stop, as far as I can see.

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Good story Bufo. My short attention span when I'm not high usually prevents me from reading past about line 4. I read your story through with interest. Pretty funny that everything you've been through and you're still pro-cannabis. Good on ya man!
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