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Dream Review (Legal High)

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The packet is neat and folds over holding the 1 gram bag of herbs together. On the packet it says the following:


Dream, an exotic herbal blend, releases a rich fragrance when burned. Dream contains a combination of plants and aromatic extracts. Tobacco and nicotine free. Enjoy the pleasing aroma of dream!



Baybean, Blue Lotus, Lion's Tail, Lousewort, Indian Warrior, Dwarf Scullcap, Maconha Brava, Pink Lotus, Marshmallow, Red Clover, Rose, Siberian, Vanilla and Honey.





Okay, now all of the boring stuff is over with, to the review. If I had to use one word to describe the effects of dream, I would have to say it would be, "Dream". Can get this stuff at allot of your local headshops


This stuff is relaxing. You smoke some and you end up getting a slight head high and your body tends to flop around a little from its relaxing affects. I find myself easy to think and contemplate different ideas and philosophies while being effected by Dream, and can I stress enough, RELAXED.


Do not get me wrong, if you wanted to, you could get stoned on this product if you had enough, but from my experience it is much better to just have a cone or two over an hour and sit back and relax in your thoughts (And by cone, I mean the small pipes, with the small "Super Gauzes" grills.)


I recommend dream to those who want to sit back and relax and get entangled in their own thoughts. The smoke is not very harsh at all and has a pleasant mild taste to it. As far as the potency of its effects, Aroma and Kronic take the cake, but those reviews will be to come in the near future.


Dream is great for all of you philosophers who like to chill out while thinking of deep thoughts, instead of those deep thoughts hurting your head. Dream has a very dreamy experience and keeps your body lethargic while allowing your mind to roam.


Try it, maybe your experiences will differ from mine?





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perhaps it is not appropriate to claim something is legal when it may not be.


very spamish



Sorry?? How is this not legal? Every source I have asked claims it is, and as far as being spamish, I am only trying to provide reviews for legal products out there. Maybe you might want to tell me your definition of the word spam to me so I can understand more.

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Firstly none of the listed ingredients are actually in it,


Secondly you are promoting a product sprayed with synthetics, illegal synthetics.


get a copy of the latest erowid extracts, full details in there.


For legal reasons I need to clarify this info was not known to myself until recently.....



Source: Chemistry world


Synthetic cannabis mimic found in herbal incense


15 January 2009


Ned Stafford/Hamburg, Germany


A chemical substance first synthesized in 1995 in a university lab in the US for purely experimental purposes is now being used by young people around the world to legally achieve a marijuana-like high and is causing alarm among health officials in Europe.


The synthetic substance, JWH-018, a cannabinoid receptor agonist from the aminoalkylindole family, has been found in herbal mixtures sold legally under various 'spice' names, such as Spice Gold and Spice Yucatan Fire. The mixture is sold as incense, but is smoked to get high.


Molecule JWH-018 on packet of Spice

JWH-018, recently discovered to be an ingredient of Spice, is causing alarm amongst health officials


Germany's Drug Commissioner Sabine Bätzing has vowed to make the sale of Spice mixtures illegal in Germany by the end of January, by modifying the Controlled Substances Act. She says Spice can have negative side effects and be addictive. Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands have already banned Spice.


As Spice grew in popularity over the past year, several laboratories tried unsuccessfully to deduce what ingredient was responsible for the high, with one expert suggesting it was simply a placebo effect. But in December, THC Pharm, a Frankfurt, Germany-based company that makes medicines from cannabis, was able to detect JWH-018 in several packets of Spice.


Christian Steup, a medical doctor and pharmacist in charge of quality control at THC Pharm who supervised the analysis, told Chemistry World that he was able to detect JWH-018 while bigger labs failed because he had synthesised the substance about two years ago and all information was still on the company computer.


The substance, which he said can be bought from producers in China, is added to the Spice herbal mixture. Quantities of JWH-018 in Spice packets tested varied widely, from as little as 0.2 per cent of the total mixture to as much as 3 per cent, Steup says.


JWH-018 is four to five times more potent than tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly known as THC, which is the main psychoactive substance in cannabis, Steup says, adding that JWH-018 'is fascinating because the chemical structure does not look at all like THC, but it produces the same effects.'


The chemist who designed (and lent his initials to) JWH-18, John W Huffman, an organic chemist at Clemson University in South Carolina, told Chemistry World that his goal had been to make a simple compound to study structure-receptor relationships. The compound interacts with both cannabis receptors. The first batch was actually made by an undergraduate student working under a post-doc. 'It is really easy to make,' Huffman said.


JWH-018 has not been licensed anywhere in the world for medical applications and little is known about the effect on humans, as not even pre-clinical studies have been to determine potential toxicity. Steup says he is inclined to believe it is not toxic, and that he would be more concerned about any lingering impurities from the production process.


Huffman says, 'I don't have a clue.' But noting the similar highs produced by THC and JWH-018, he says: 'You cannot overdose on THC. You can forget your name or where you are, but too much THC will not kill you.'


Asked whether he sees any potential medical applications for JWH-018, he said: 'No. It's like LSD, the only thing it is good for is getting you high.'

Edited by entheofarm
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Thanks for your reply. I have read alot about JWH-18 and I doubt JWH-18 is actually in Dream. It was completely different then my experience with Aroma or Kronic, which I will review later. I myself think JWH-18 could possibly be in Aroma or Kronic (which is better in my opinion than Dream), but I really do not think that Dream has any synthetic materials in it. My reasoning is from the different feelings that Dream gives you then Aroma and Kronic. You might be right, and maybe Dream is all synthetic, but the high between Dream against Aroma or Kronic are completely different.


As far as Aroma and Kronic are concerned, they celebrate the fact that they are using synthetic materials, from my research. I am seriously not trying to promote any product, I am just advising my experience from them. The fact also remains that Kronic and Aroma still pass the customs search. From everything that I can tell, it is legal. These companies are telling me they are legal, even though synthetic (not dream, I still do not believe that it is synthetic from the different effects from it), as long as they pass customs and are not marked as illegal, I don't care.


As far as Spice goes, I have never tried it. I am aware of how it was banned because of the JWH-18 found within it. I am just trying to give reviews on the available legal highs, that can at least pass customs. Should I not do this in the future? I was only trying to give back to the community. I know, myself, I would like to hear other's experiences before I try it myself.


If you guys don't want these reviews I am happy to stop them. I don't mind, I just thought I would not be a leech and tell my stories.






PS If anyone says anything about me trying to spam again, then you lose me off this forum. I am only trying to help, and if you have a hard time dealing with someone sharing their own experiences, then I do not belong here anyways. As far as logical criticism, I love it, and only learn from. Have a good night guys!

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Yeah, Dream was not extreme, but more just relaxing and thought provoking. Far different from what I experience from Kronic, which is synthetic and makes me walking from place to place forgetting what I was doing to begin with. Those reviews to come. <_<
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Sorry wes didn't mean to hurt your feelings,


and it was a good review, however I have heard similar reviews straight from the producers of these products who lie about what is in the product.


I assure you they all contain synthetics, a mixture in some cases.


CP-47,497 (5-(1,1-Dimethylheptyl)-2-[(1R,3S)-3-hydroxycyclohexyl)]-phenol)










JWH-018-((Naphthalen-1-yl)(1-Pentyl-1H-Indol-3-yl)methanon) or (1-Pentyl-3-(1-Naphthoyl)Indole)


JWH-073-(1-butyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indol) or Naphthalene-1-yl-(1-butylindol-3-yl)methanon)



But to say it is legal is misleading, some of the listed ingredients will not pass quarantine and the above chemicals would be refused by customs if found.


When it is more expensive than pot, is it really worth the risk.

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