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PK 13-14 main ingredients are P-13%P(Potassium) K-14% (phosphorous). These ratios are said to be outdated. Reading this link gives some usefull information http://www.advancednutrients.com/landing_p...ad_landing.html. P & K are used to boost levels due to added consumption during flowering/lack of correct nutrient levels. Canna's advice is extremely miniscul. It seems alot of growers find it hard to take the blinkers off when it comes to canna's recomended doses. Well your not growing somthing that first buds then fruits. It stays as a bud! Hence canna's one time use.


Megabud Plus is what you use, here are the reasons.


Ratio is P-22.9, K-28.7 (try and find higher)

Its about $30 for a litre

You use it the entire flower cycle (proof canna's directions are pissweak)

only 1ml per litre so its 4x the strength of PK13-14

Its Australian owned and made! (fuck dadutch)

Can also be used as a foliar spray.


BTW if a solid reason for not using more PK 13-14 was due to say overfert. And recomending more would increase their profits??? All I got to say is too late cause youve already been blind sided and profited from at $40 a litre and 1/4 the strength!


Start using these ferts 2 weeks after flip to allow the plants a normal transition. Then add the recomended doses every nutrient change until flush!



Pffft, Just like the Cyco zyme, all talk and big numbers, there are any number of PK boosters on the market that will give the same results, they are all pretty much the same thing, dont be fooled by different ratios or big talk, the actual differences are minimal.

I have 3 different ones (Canna PK13/14, House&Garden Top Booster and Cyco Swell) the only real difference between PK and Top Booster is that one has a little FeEDTA (iron chelate) in the mix, while the Swell has a lower ratio of P&K with a bit of N and Mg to assist bloom growth. There is SFA different in the results from each, and while the Cyco Swell is cheap, the other two are both premium products with top class quality control.

Same as always, it comes down to what you can get a good deal on or feel most comfortable with.


Dont believe the hype!!

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Thougt i just bump this instead of creating another thread for the same question.


Any more takers on this thread , who uses PK-13 longer than one week ?


In a previous DWC grow i used PK13/14 for 14 days in the middle of the flowering cycle....not near the end like the bottle says....i got rock hard buds....take a look



I am currently doing some trials on PK13/14 thru the first half of the flowering stage on a DWC scrog....ppl have suggested not to use it for this long...something about the plant not liking it....if i see problems i will flush till its all good. I'm just after more answers regarding how long to keep it in...i dont think the bottle lable is being 100% honest, and no1 else has tried it before to give me advice. trial and error time :bongon:

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You have to read between the lines with all nutrients. Read the back of the bottle and check whats in it and dont get sucked in by the advertising or if some novce growers go wow thats good shit because they most likely dont have a clue.


Research what chemicals do what and what is good for your plant if you dont have any idea on how to read the back of the bottle.


There are many products out there that are bullshit, for eg one of the new H&G products called bud xl check the back of it and find it wouldnt really help your plant and a 1L bottle cost on average around $90 where if you just get their top booster and put that on which is much better for the flowering phase of the plant (not the best but better)and is cheaper.


Also eyeball K= potassium P= phosphorus

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You have to read between the lines with all nutrients. Read the back of the bottle and check whats in it and dont get sucked in by the advertising or if some novce growers go wow thats good shit because they most likely dont have a clue.


Research what chemicals do what and what is good for your plant if you dont have any idea on how to read the back of the bottle.


There are many products out there that are bullshit, for eg one of the new H&G products called bud xl check the back of it and find it wouldnt really help your plant and a 1L bottle cost on average around $90 where if you just get their top booster and put that on which is much better for the flowering phase of the plant (not the best but better)and is cheaper.


Also eyeball K= potassium P= phosphorus


Yeah exactly, read the bottle, Bud XL is not a growth or bloom booster, it is a flavour/essential oils booster, a bit like floralicious.

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I guess it all comes down to what medium you are using and what strains you are running. I know when i use coco there is P in the coco so I can use a bloom booster with less P in it. As when growing in soil soil also tends to hold the P in it so I use less P in My ratios. While in my aeroponics set up doesn't hold on to any nutrients so I use a pretty even ratio 0-50-30. By holding on to I mean salt build up in my medium.
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