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urgently need some advice here

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Hey guys, ive started a grow diary, black pearl vs Purple diesel, but i have encountered a problem. I know humidity has been covered many times however after reading the majority of the posts i have yet to stumble on one pertaining to me. Basically my humidity is stuck around 25% and I cant seem to raise it without taking the temperature up aswell.


My setup is a 1.6 by .9 by .5 m grow tent with a 600 W MH globe. The globe is sitting at the top of the tent as far away from the plants as possible. I have a 2*6 inch exhaust fans, one sucking, one blowing and a basic computer fan airing the plants. I have tried the wet towel, the spraying bottom of tent, a steam vaporiser and I cant seem to keep the humidity up.


With the lights off, and limited fan use, i can get the humidity up to around 55% with the steam vaporiser (humidifier).


As soon as the fans go back on when the light goes on the humidity shoots down again. Ive tried turning some fans off and keeping some on, but the temperature just gets too high.


Im pretty baffled :yinyang:


I also now officially hate growlush grow tents.


One more thing, my plants are definitely growing slower due to lack of humidity.

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Hi nitty ta for the reply, yah i tried the wet towel method. The sucking of the exhaust fan seems to be the culprit but as i said, i cant really turn off any fans otherwise the temperature rockets.

Im seriously about to just take them out of the grow tent and relocate.

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Hey guys, once again thanks for the helpful replys. The lighting calculator is particularly helpful actually. If only i had found that before i got all my equip. damn.

I have found a sort of fix, i place a warm damp towel over the vents of the steam machine, so the towel steams and spreads in a larger diameter. Anyway the moisture levels with lights off are around 66% and with lights on can vary anywhere between 50 and 28%.


Ive done all i can really do, including spraying the room, so time will tell i suppose.


Gills do you think I should relocate. Not sure if i have a space big enough but can always try..



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