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lets start a polical party

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Why do we need yet another political party? Given this argument will be over in a matter of weeks, how about simply backing those already in the fight instead of spreading everything far and wide and getting nowhere.


They are trying to get the old one back up and running, personally I believe it to be a big waste of time, with what is about to happen in Melbourne.

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We are going to the high court to take out the treaty and all laws pertaining to it, this has been going on for over 2 years.


Printing the book now, lodging tomorrow should be all over in a matter of 2-4 weeks.


Check what either lightning or I have had to say about it and ask Radic or almost anyone on here about the case.

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Liberal Democratic Party of Australia (LDP)




"Re-legalisation of recreational marijuana use by adults (subject to prohibition on involvement of minors, etc) and a review of prohibitions on certain other drugs. [Note: a more detailed policy on drugs is under development.] "


Didn't even know these guys existed until a few weeks ago. Not keen on some of their policies, but certainly looks better than some of the alternatives.

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greetnz waxybullett


we do have a hemp party happening


we need more members

thats the catch 22

no one gives the correct address for fear of seeing flying pigs before breakfast


when the AEC (Australian Electoral Commission) check for our memberz

we fail the test

this is 1 sad


true story


heres de link

the Hemp Party


reasoningz from the site

December 2008 : The AEC (Australian Electoral Commission) is currently doing another membership check in response to our appeal against the previous check, where not enough members confirmed that they were members. As a result we failed the membership test instituted under Howard for parties without sitting members.


If you are contacted by the AEC please confirm your membership promptly.




Please don't join the HEMP Party unless you are willing to confirm your membership to AEC officials on the phone. If you are unfindable or unwilling to confirm membership, don't join, because it stuffs it up for the rest of us. Sorry, but that's how it works. Give us as many ways to contact you as possible to make it easier to confirm your membership with the AEC.



Mr Graham Askey

Proposed Registered Officer

Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party

51 Cullen Street



Re: Application to register a political party Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party


Dear Mr Askey


On 10 April 2007, the Australian Electoral Commission (the AEC) received an application to register Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (the Electoral Act).


Your party's application for registration was advertised on the 20 July 2007 with a closing date of 20 August 2007 for objections, if any, to be submitted.


The AEC has undertaken a series of tests to ascertain whether your party meets the requirements for registration. As a result of these tests, the AEC was unable to determine whether your party has at least 500 members (i.e. your party has failed a branch of the 'membership test'). If this is not rectified, your application may be refused following the close of objections period.


yes we do need more staff

Or is then one already that just needs a better marketing manager to promaote it.

yes yes yes

please dont hesitate

get involved


Now hear diss


the hemp embassy, the hemp party and and i man radic-al conscious of the band earth reggae

100% support Lighting and little bitt in thier struggle in the high court

anyone interested in being part of a direct action to coinside with their High court case

please contact we asap


irey guidance

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