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Run to waste or recirculating?

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if u live in your house by yourself and dont mind cutting holes..cut one in your floor and run a hose outside onto the concrete...youll probably have to cut a hole in the brickwork as well.......do not run it under your house....

No need to drill through brick work, brick houses have vents, quite often a hot water cylinder has an overflow sticking through one of those vents in the form of a piece of copper tubing, disguise the drainage pipe as one.


why do run to waste, whats the point of dumping perfectly good nutes??

When a run to waste system is up and running properly very little "waste" ends up on the floor as it is used up by the plants.



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The main reason that recirculating is good has been totally missed, the environment. And while the average grower will cause minimal damage, if everyone used run to waste techniques we would all be dying.


Most commercial legal hydroponic crops are run to waste and I've seen studies stating that areas of the netherlands etc... where run to waste hydroponics systems are used there is a higher level of potassium in the water and more potassium poisoning.


I know recirculating hydroponics pollutes when you chuck out them nutes as well but if you can run em somewhere where they can be used again like your vegie garden its kinda OK. Straight into the drain is evil shit.

Edited by white_cluster
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why are nutes bad??

In the drains and waterways they promote the growth of things like blue-green algae and such, my run off goes directly into the garden where it is not wasted.



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