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John Howard supports cannabis use



Source: News.com


May 23, 2003


PRIME Minister John Howard today said he would only support a trial to allow cannabis use for pain relief in the chronically ill if the drug was prescribed.


He said he would not back patients growing their own marijuana and remained opposed to the decriminalisation of the drug.


The NSW government has announced a four-year trial of cannabis for medicinal purposes.


"In principle, providing it's prescribed and people aren't allowed to grow it, I'd agree to that," Mr Howard said on radio 4BC.


"In other words, if it's spray or a tablet of some description I would in principle see merit in it for cases where there are no other conventional medicines available to reduce pain and to provide greater comfort."


Mr Howard said the trial was not a step towards the full legalisation of marijuana.


"I certainly don't see it as the thin end of the wedge, I am totally opposed to decriminalisation of marijuana.


"The evidence is greater now than it was a few years ago that marijuana leads to depression and schizophrenia and anybody who thinks that it's smart to generally decriminalise marijuana is crazy."



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Guest Urbanhog
"The evidence is greater now than it was a few years ago that marijuana leads to depression and schizophrenia and anybody who thinks that it's smart to generally decriminalise marijuana is crazy."

According to John Howard.....Guess we all stoned and depressed members here are schizophrenics because we seem to change the orginal thread subjects more than once in each threads in this forum, and we must be pretty smart and crazy schizophrenics for believing that cannabis should decriminalised .... :D :P


Urbanhog :P

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"The evidence is greater now than it was a few years ago that marijuana leads to depression and schizophrenia and anybody who thinks that it's smart to generally decriminalise marijuana is crazy."


There is more evidence now that pot makes you crazy, therefore if you want it legalised you must be crazy.


Is the next step you must be a pot user and therefore crazy? What a stupid comment.


Tom at least Mr Sheen is useful, he might be really upset you were equating him with Little Johhny.



"In principle, providing it's prescribed and people aren't allowed to grow it, I'd agree to that," Mr Howard said on radio 4BC.


"In other words, if it's spray or a tablet of some description I would in principle see merit in it for cases where there are no other conventional medicines available to reduce pain and to provide greater comfort."


It seems to me there is a puritan fear of god thing going on here. Pots OK as medicine, but if people enjoy it in any way there is something evil about it. WTF


Perhaps there is the thing with taxation revenue or whatever, but really you could sell taxable licences for personal growers or medicinal growers if you want. It just seems like he doesn't like people having a good time.

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Comfortable, relaxed, and on drugs

Recent analysis by The Australia Institute of unpublished ABS data shows that nearly 1/3 of adult Australians (27%) rely on prescription medication or alcohol for their mental health and well being, (30+% including illicit drugs).

The fact that up to one third of adult Australians are dependant on alcohol or other legal substances to get them through the day stands in stark contrast to our self imagined national identity as a carefree country where people take things in their stride.

Institute Executive Director Dr Clive Hamilton said “For decades we have all been striving for the good life. Now that we have it, a large proportion of the population seems too get through life in a substance induced state to avoid falling into a more or less permanent state of anxiety, depression or despair.” (www.tia.org.au)


It could be about protecting the already established trade in human misery called alcohol, and letting the drug companies get their cut of the trillions to be made in this country alone.


But then, I could just be cynical...

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