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'Borrowing' elec

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Its probly been said as ive only read this page and the first, but if your mate is an elec he should know.

IMO if u can do it and get away with it good on ya. My father said to me when I was 10 years old, ... the only way to get ahead in this world is illegally. Ive refined my thought somewhat since then, now I tell him the only people that get anywhere in this world are those who take chances. Be them good or bad as long as you learn. God I sound like my father already!

Short story... years ago we lived in a squat, bypassed the power board and got away with it for about 6 months until one day the cops and the energy provider rolled up and disconnected the meter. Ive since learned that its like the supermarket, if you take enuf for long enuf they'll notice its gone. If you want to get away with it only skim off the top (and find a "mate" who knows wot he's doing). Though as someone whose (probably) older, your better off paying your bill. Pay it every quart without fail and they wont care what your using as long as your paying

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calaman*Pay it every quart without fail and they wont care what your using as long as your paying*

fucking a, just pay for it man, not worth the risk.. if you have to ask on a net forum how to "borrow power" obviously you dont no what your doing... if you want to do some big time shit you wouldnt want another charge to fully fuck your chances of having some sort of defence in court...anyways your choice in the end

good luck


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