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Water Curing

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I am interested in trying out this method. I have only been smoking for less than a year and have never grown. I am interested in water curing as I believe I have got unflushed hydro. I have never cured or dried green before, so this will be my first time. I have read up all I could find about this method and have a few questions.

• Can I use some sort of metal mesh to hold down the herb under water?

• Will I be able to smell it in my room if I leave it in an open container, under water? I currently have it in a Ziploc bag in an enclosed case and can’t smell it at all.

• What are the methods to dry it after water curing? A food dehydrator ($70) is my last resort as I only buy Q’s at a time and don’t plan to grow anytime soon.

For those who have attempted this method, does your room smell at all when water curing and how did you dry your green? Will a hair dryer be effective?


Happy Tokin

Dr. Dank

Edited by Dr. Dank
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my farther used water curing all the time when iwas younger and still does today

he puts semi dry herb in warm water for 1 hour

then change water and soak again in warm water

dry the useal way finished in plastic bag on of for a day or two and then aired


it takes the clorofil (sorry for spell error)

out of the plant and other minreals salts and what not

dad swears by it , i dont mind it it has a differnt taste and smell ( because you remove alot of things that you dont normaly remove).

give it a go with a small bit

i do it with leaf as it encreases the thc content ( by removeing other thing)

good luck with it and let us know how you go


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i have herd and seen people that cure in water for like 7-8 days then hang in dark aired room with fans circlating the air

,bbut as i say to them if you grow it properly and organicly not chemicals and run a 2 week flush manicure dry and cure

your weed and you have some of the sweetest tasting buds full of smell and taste when smoking or vapouring,arhh...

but then you have the ones that do a quick 30min-1hr dunk with additives for weight gain in there water then dry and sell to the street and yes for the grower he makes 20-30% more weight but the poor guy on the street that buys and smokes it

almost throws up as most of that shit alters the taste and smell, so to answer your questions dr dank 1. yes mesh or a plate will work fine 2.no not for a Q 3.natural eitha hang it or on fly wire mesh with a fan and in the dark,but def not dehydrater or hairdryer pls as mentioned for a q a purculater will b fine place a cup or plate to keep it submerged and dry as per mentioned but it wont help clean unflushed properly weed sorry dude see thats the problem with a lot of street hydro as every one can grow pot but not everyone can grow quality pot and alot of people only flush from between 1-4 days and use a ton of chemicals to grow it YUK any how dr dank hope this has answered you ?

cheers WS

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High all,

Nice Reply WhiteSkunk ...

Just thought I'd better add THIS Link to another water Curing Topic

There is an excellent article/tutorial posted there about Water Curing with seemingly everthing explained. ;)

Should answer each of your questions.


Even I am almost convinced when I re-read that again :D


But for me ... Water and Harvested Budz are not the best combination in my book :D

Same with Heat , Extreme Dry Air and Light ... once they are wet It seems as though you have to force dry the Budz somewhat ... I've always believed this to be the wrong thing to do. ;)

I am also sceptical as to how much "Osmosis" actually really occurs to "leech out the bad stuff" :thumbsup: Isn't it just doing what any plant matter would do if left in water for a few days?? i.e. Decompose??? :) ;)

Also , in that article .. read carefully the part about making it more potent :D ... He just seems to be saying that because of the DECREASE in weight there is therefore a lower Plant matter/THC ratio. :yinyang:


So yeh , Some actual science on this would be good ... seems to have certain advantages (like hiding the smell heheheh) and maybe it does flush some of the harmful nutrients or pesticides etc out ... But I can see no benefit at all over the tried and true method of a slow air dry in a moderately temperate and dark space. :haha:


Cheerz :)


Budman ;)

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I`ve used a water cure in the past,but only if there seems to be residual nute salts (weed sparks and sputters when smoking)in the plant.As freddie above said it leaves it with a "old" taste and smell.I just soaked it in lukewarm water for an hour or so,then a gentle rinse and place it on a screen(old window screen) and let it dry,turning it daily to make sure there won`t be any wet spots that may mold.As for the minty green chlorophyl taste,a proper (dry)cure should break down most of the chlorophyl,leaving it tasting good.



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