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switzerland legalizes heroin...

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the stupid thing i think with the "shooting gallery" thing in Oz.. is.. its illegal to sell the drug.. its illegal to possess the drug.. the nurses at the clinic dont give you the drug.. but hey.. you can wak it up in a safe environment.. and they try and tell us pot is bad... dumbasses...


;).. they voted against decriminalization of weed.. and voted to legalize heroin... no wonder the world is all fucked up...


maybe now .. people might realize the REAL reason we're fighting in Afghanistan

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Yep and I heard that, apparently, they are moving into Hash production now too. They have always done that but mostly for their own country, now their expanding. So we should be able to see that on our streets sometime soon. YUMMY! :yinyang:


Oh and they are not thinking backward. Don't believe for a second that they're doing this for the Heroin addicts.

Just look. "The heroin program, started in 1994, is offered in 23 centers across Switzerland. It has helped eliminate scenes of large groups of drug users shooting up openly in parks that marred Swiss cities in the 1980s and 1990s and is credited with reducing crime and improving the health and daily lives of addicts. (and what they mean by that last bit is stopping the spread of disease in addicts so it doesn't spread to anyone else"


Legalising/Decriminalising Cannabis only benefits smokers. On the outside anyway, but it would actually benefit everyone.


And SukonmiSkunk - We never had shooting galleries in Aus afaik, only needle exchange programs.


There might have been one, and that fuckhead idiot from TT or ACA, can't remember, showed a bin full of needles and said it was the place outside the shooting room or something.... "needles everywhere" they said....

It was actually a lady who had a diabetic cat and put the needles in the bin outside her house.

Edited by luciddreaming
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