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Okay, so the first thing I did was copy and paste everything from this thread, just in case it goes missing.


First thing is can someone/anyone start another forum somewhere and post the link and pm it to me so that I can pm it to others who are interested. I believe the last post I read on the other topics had a link to a new forum, I think it was DarkSpark??? Either way, we need somewhere else to talk.


I think I said, this can not be an ozstoner thing, but we can use it to get members. Obviously on our new forum we would advertise/support ozstoners, and hope that these threads can continue.


This thread was only ever intended to find out who is interested in activism, not to discuss the topic necessarily.


Once we get another forum established, we can break it up into different sections so that we can discuss the many things associated with this whole thing.





whats your job again?


we still cannot wholly trust you as you are a cop.


The answer to the first question, is I am a single father, on partenting payment from Centrelink.


Second thing is my username is iamnotacop - but I fully expect for people to think that I am. It is a reminder to watch what you type, and never incriminate yourself, because lets face it, we don't know who anyone on here is, and only a fool would think it is safe from prying eyes.




One more thing, if any of the mods decide to close this thread down, can they please at least pm me to give me the reasons why, or preferably make a comment to let us know what we are doing wrong, if anything, to give us a chance to mend our ways.

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Our forum has never been or claimed to be a law reform group however the information contained here , the lessons we try and teach and the people who are tutored to grow are all done so with the purpose of spreading information and hopefully changing peoples views on the plant bit by bit.



There was a great topic going here that was really gathering steam and we where ecstatic to see the enthusiasm of so many members , unfortunately though a few people out of the many seemed to take control of what was supposed to be a collaborative effort to form a new law reform group. People where saying to moderators and admins that they felt their idea's where basically being ignored because they where not one of these people or one of thier friends and it understandably upset some


By the end these people made it clear all they where int rested in was the same thing they have interested in since day one and why one or two have failed before ... Money , Activism isn't a paying job in my opinion and anyone that see's it as such shouldn't ever be supported to move forward as the next faces for cannabis imo.


Then the final straw came when they decided it wasn't a reform group at all that was needed it was an information site and community forums ( which is what we are ) and not what the topic was started for


Because of the above issues and others which are not so relivant in this thread we removed those threads temporarily to stop the people that where taking control from killing yet another attempted movement by starting it based on lies


I think we made the right call , since the removal of the threads we have received threats to be taken to court and have had people trying to investigate our domain ownership information which in our view is only done if you are trying to cause harm to something and not something that should be done by anyone let alone people claiming they want to keep your details on file, what happens when you have a disagreement is your info just fair game?


As for our own plans for this continuing again we will be opening a forum this weekend for the initial collaboration of ideas and gathering of interested members , We also already have web space , a licensed copy of our knowledge base and access to several legal reasources which we will be offering to the group if they would like to use it .

Having spoken to Luke I know he is still interested and from what I have seen from many the temporary downtime hasn't dulled any motivation so hopefully this time around something can get going without a set of vultures coming in to ruin it for all with the delusion of profits in activism ;)

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Money , Activism isn't a paying job.............


As for our own plans for this continuing again we will be opening a forum this weekend for the initial collaboration of ideas and gathering of interested members , We also already have web space , a licensed copy of our knowledge base and access to several legal reasources which we will be offering to the group if they would like to use it .


This is very good, Thankyou. Please keep us posted.


I do not believe that there is any money in activism but I do agree that we do need money, to be able to spend on the cause (posters/pamphlets/advertising etc). I believe that all money raised should go back into it. I do not feel that there should be any paid persons in the organization. I think that there are so many people who would willingly donate time and effort, and these are the people we are looking for. Passionate about reforming the stupid bloody laws that lock people up over a plant and deny people proven medication.



Once again, thanks.

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I do agree money is a needed topic , though the mention that the hope was some people would be able to live on it as a salary was a bit much for me



As for some of the needs like pamphlets , flyers ect we certainly have printers on the site that would more that likely help if asked , and I think your 100% right that people have to be ready to help fund that sort of stuff. For the right group Oz Stoners has certainly said that we will be there to assist where we can , including financialy we don't make anything from the forums after the servers ect but we have our shop and advertising which we are certainly happy to use as a tool to help at times that things are needed to be done.


One of the things about passion I find is that it tends to take you from 0 to 500 really fast and sometimes doing that can be a real issue , at this point for any group forming knowing that there may be financial needs in the future should be enough to move forward with whats needed at the present time. Allot of it can be done for free or with licencing/ hosting ect already available it mainly boils down to peoples time when the group goes to the public it is my view that they need to have something to show allot of places won't give you shot two as easy as shot one so it needs to be clear that "these people have their shit together " with whatever approach is taken , and that generally comes for free or at least quite cheaply ;)

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Thankyou for your reply Pure.

Knowing the OzStoners Crew to be of good character (imo) and usually quite diplomatic about these type of issues I knew there had to be more to it than simply not wanting to support the discussions relating to Law reform and Activism.

And I agree with your sentiment about this site. OzStoners simply couldn't be bettered at what it does for the Australian Cannabis Community. ;)


I had little idea personally on what the issues were ... It all happened so quickly. :)

Certainly many people were quite upset about it , It really hurts to have something one is so passionate about taken away without good cause and this goes for many things , not just well versed Internet Discussions. ;)


I think that some might have taken this to heart and acted irrationally , even angry and that's certainly not the way to acheive anything. Especially threats and the like , that's just not "cricket".

However , I do beleive that certain elements of the *Lost Topics* discussions were misconstrued. And also it did take a little long to get this response ... how were the innocent bystanders not supposed to feel persecuted when the only reply given was deleted along with the thread? (rhetorical question)


Anywayz , thanx again for clearing it up a little further ...

Hopefully all of this hasn't "Upset the Balance" and we can all continue along the same lines we were on before It all seemingly went to shit. I thought OS was really pumping along nicely before all this (still is aye) ... such a shame it would be to lose any more valued members because of what in reality seems a minor problem compared to issues we all face in our modern world today. :)


On that note ... Have a Nice Day :)

And Cheerz all :)


Budman ;)


P.s. Totally agree there Notacop ... certainly no money in activism :) ... Funding is different and an obvious thing for any active group ... just like chipping in for the beers (or bowls) for an evening Card game for the good of the cause , simple analogy ... or the (voluntary)Membership Fees and Sponsors and Shops etc here to maintain upkeep of the Website. ;)


[Edit , Doh! .. ya beat me to it Pure .. oh well , better go read it now ;)]

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Thankyou pure, can you not understand how people like me are getting angry. i did nothing except get involved... Now i try too do things and shit gets fucked up... I don't like you saying i have sided with certain teams though... the only team i side with is the anti prohibition team. Money was never going too be a part of this until far down the track... we have people willing too donate as it is too get things like a website and forums setup. furthermore i have access too a commercial print shop for making posters and pamphlets etc...


so did i misunderstand or... are you actually prepared too make a cannabis law reform forum ??? and are willing too get behind it ??? because it seemed like the opposite too me about 10 minutes ago...

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We have always said we where happy to open a forum and support a reform group we have simply stated that that is not our own intention with Ozstoners / Canna Nation , we wish to see law reform asmuch as the next person but until that day comes people need somewhere to learn and be guided when starting as-well as learn the realities and propaganda lies that surround this wonderful plant , My offer was made to the previous group of people before everything started going way down hill and it certainly stands for any group of people wanting to form a reform group , What we won't tolerate though and the start of the issues for us was when people where being shut-out of the idea pool because of popularity and in the end end up with a group of people that want to start something completely different than was being discussed to start with


Its unfortunate that small pocket of users decided to use your kindness and generosity to move over to your forum because by doing so they have dragged you into something that was not your fault at all but we simply can't help support those that not only are responsible for things that we see as nothing less than Dog or Rat acts but they have also spit in the face of the Australian Cannabis Culture and any person or group that has made an attempt at reform before or is currently doing so , they even took allot of one persons work without asking and then used their name which could have been very dangerous should the person mentioned have been dragged into their problems.


Anyways back onto the actual topic at hand re where from here .. We have let things settle a little bit this week as we knew that any imediate attempt to revive the topic would have lead to allot of emotional fights and the topic turning to crap again , On the weekend though we will be opening the new forum for reform which I have every hope that those passionate about the last movement get involved with.


I have been on the phone all week trying to organize access to certain legal resources which will make things like information gathering allot easier on the law side of things. A big thanx to the donator of the accounts to use things like that can cost upwards of 5k a year and we are being given it for free from a very generous former work client ;). Have quite a few other things up our sleeves in the way of service offerings which I hope people can understand that with the current situation we are keeping closer to the chest for now the point I can't stress enough though is the importance that not only this happens but that it happens " right" however the general public feel that is ;)

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On the topic of money all, if that is the draw back in starting a activism group. Like I understand that flyers are a good idea, but as you guys said it all costs money.

I'm lucky enough that I’m on the pension these days and I have a lot of time. Donating that time to changing the laws is fine by me, it’s not like I have anything pressing to do.

I send a lot of letters and emails and the like but (and I know a lot of you guys do the same). I have thought about maybe getting a licence to go and sit and talk to people about cannabis in busy area's but cause of my disorder after an hour I’m to sore and cranky to sell anything let alone change someone opinion.

Maybe if we could put a little bit of funding (of our own money together) come up with a few ideas’s how to actively change the public’s perception while selling a product. I have being going thru a lot of the threads and info u guys that own and run this site has.

It's just taken me awhile to get thru it.

And if I have not apologized enough for my past decencies I am an idiot. To pure and (sorry forgot the others that also run this site) wow my hat really goes off to you guys. I mean really.

Now here is an idea about how to fix a few of the problems that you guys have talked about.

If those that were keen on this (and I mean really keen and are patient) if we used the info here and the other sites, made a booklet for sale. This booklet contain unbiased information about the plant, safe ways of consuming, how it can help and the lack of dangers associated with it, the science behind the compound, past logiest groups, a whole chapter about the Nimbin movement and what they have done for everyone, countries with this legal or vary lax and not only the percentages that are there that use but also country’s where the laws are against it and the numbs there.

The amount of money involved in policing the product and the retail value, blah blah blah there are a few more but I forgot them. Now I know it has been done before but if you are holding a rally or whatever the org decides to be their first ( Public appearance) it gives people something to walk away from, make it cheap and use the money made to go into the org.

And yes I realise this has been done before but it is a really good idea and anyone that reads the binder or book( if it’s easy to read and looks professional) would walk away from reading it at least knowing more. I’m not sure if I’m off topic but just throwing an idea out there, and yeah it all cost money but this is minimum out lay with returns to go back in plus I’m pretty baked and it seems like genius right now, tomorrow probably not so much.

Also there are a lot of activism groups around if a few could help put it all together before even launching it if we then approached a few of the already started lobbyists they might order copies of it therefore selling more and having all the lobbyist with the same accurate info. Like the stuff on here.

Wow I type too much


Obviously the under lying message is to it to be accurate, helpful and break down "why the law is wrong" over and over again.

It's does not cost that much to make a few hundred copies, Approach book stores and publish and distibute it our selvs while getting the messagoe out there.

Once again its all been done before ( not just for this movement but for many others) but it would work, give everyone in the org the info the need to argue thier points and have the factual info to back it up and add all the new info that has been researched and documented in the last 2 years.

It would laso give the people that are really keen to get together and talk more about this group, what our tatics could be and giving us a back up of so much factual and inteligent arguments that after reading they can't help to feel ripped off by the government.

hopefully creating passion in smokers and others and adding more members to the org very quickly.

It's has to be non profit and the people working for the org not interested in being paid. The gratitude of future and present generations should be payment enough.

obviously approaching the hosts about lending thier online libary is something that would need to be asked of first. can't go round stealing other people's work with out asking


Edited by Priceadon2
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G'day Price,

Nah , you don't type too much mate .. the more the better imho ;)

Sounds like you've been doing a little more researching around the joint , good stuff :yahoo:

Most of my life is Cannabis Based , If I'm Not growing it , smoking it , researching it , conversing about it or something else related to it ... that is most likely because I'm doing something else ;) (that made proper good sense didn't it :D) heheh

Needless to say I spend The majority of my time surrounded by the subject. It's quite suprising I'm not an "official" expert on it by now heheh , but can't remember everything there is to know in this life aye. I'd like to think It's floating around inside somewhere ;)


As for your ideas there .. yeh , they are all decent ideas that are on the To-Do list among many other ideas no doubt ..

I'm sure you would be a good candidate to help out in whatever capacity you can.

I feel that even though the sentiment of a cause like this is probably supported by most Cannabis Enthusiasts around here and elsewhere , It's still quite difficult for people to put up their hand and actually volunteer to help out ... there are always going to be differing opinions on certain aspects of the subject and that is where consideration , compromise and co-operation become integral to working as a Team , Group effort regardless of our many and varying differences , collaboration as a whole etc. :)


Anyhoo , at risk of Rambling and also barely having slept for 3 days .. I might retire for the night/morning :toke:

Hope to see more of your Input when we get this Topic up and running again in a new forum section and format ;)

Cheerz to all and Goodnight :peace:


Budman :)


Oh , just before I posted I noticed I think you added to your reply Price .. ah nevermind I'll catch up next time :) k Bye Now.

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