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Sorry. I guess I was trying to say that we could bombard politicians and newspapers with personal stories of the intimidation suffered and the paranoia caused and get the message through that the drug laws are destructive to people in so many ways. I mean getting sent to jail is traumatising and costs so much in mental health services afterwards. And when people tell their own stories of how they've been affected it can get through via empathy rather than mental arguments.


I sent that letter to a number of politicians and didn't get one response but I'm not going to leave it alone. I'm going to keep writing to them till they start listening and I just thought it'd be good if others did it too.


Did you go to Mardi Grass which is of course the biggest anti prohibition demonstration of all time probably? It was so cool. Maybe public meetings would be a good idea. I also had this thought of whenever you hear of a sniffer dog raid all go down and start screaming and freaking out at the dogs and then just say you have a dog phobia. That's my plan if I'm ever confronted with a sniffer dog. If all these unrelated people started doing that it would be disorient the dogs and cut down on arrests.




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I dunno about the sniffer dog thing. It's not their fault. It's the cops. Plus they don't really release info on where they are doing sniffer dog searches. Unless we can get a pro Cannabis informant?

But yeah I wouldn't want to confuse or scare the dogs. Maybe just stand in a circle around the people/cars getting searched so the cops can't get near. I'm pretty sure that's fully legal. That's how you stop people getting arrested if they get busted in the street. It's called "hugging power". hehe

BUt yeh, no idea how we would find out about sniffer dog areas without an informant.

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I dunno about the sniffer dog thing. It's not their fault. It's the cops. Plus they don't really release info on where they are doing sniffer dog searches. Unless we can get a pro Cannabis informant?

But yeah I wouldn't want to confuse or scare the dogs. Maybe just stand in a circle around the people/cars getting searched so the cops can't get near. I'm pretty sure that's fully legal. That's how you stop people getting arrested if they get busted in the street. It's called "hugging power". hehe

BUt yeh, no idea how we would find out about sniffer dog areas without an informant.



Hi yeah I know it does sound a bit ridiculous maybe but I guess I do have a dog phobia and I had to drive through a blockade on the way to Mardi Grass and there were so many cops with dogs and people being strip searched by the side of the road. It felt terrifying, I almost didn't go because I knew it was happening. I know it's not the dogs fault and they are just a tool but I'm thinking it would traumatise the cops more to have someone shaking and crying and screaming help save me to everyone, which is what I'm likely to do without even trying if a dog came towards me.


You would need to have a community in touch with each other so that if someone's in a pub and they bring the dogs in which they do any time of day up here, you could send the call out to do the hugging thing which would be a lot more fun than the screaming thing that I suggested. I feel awful just thinking about it. But I would be prepared to run down and be a part of a hugging thing for sure to save people from persecution. I've been smoking for forty years and I've never harmed a soul and I'm sick of feeling like a criminal and being discriminated against. I lost a job because of it once. It's so wrong and destructive and it just hurts people and does nothing good but only harm.


Nice to hear from you

I love the name lucid dreaming


Bessie blue

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i think it's a good idea i have been waiting for someone do this for years. the only problem is there are still too many people too scared to take a stand against our government (c'mon people get some balls it's our country) a rally or march would be a good way to get this to the publics attention all we have to do is make the government realise we want pot legalised. i'll help were needed ;)
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can someone please inform me why ALL the threads that were up previously about a law reform group were deleted ? i was content too move the discussions away from here. and DID, why could a thread not be left informing people of that.


also, too everyone who is saying things cant be done, by YOU they can't, by the people who believe in themselves they can. Australians will stand for their beliefs its our nature, and if we can get rid of false beliefs and furthermore instill good ones things can be done. It really peeves me too see people determined too ruin everyones ideas. unless you grow too sell or are anti-drugs in general i cannot see a reason why you would fight against or not want too take part in this.


this wasn't a thread asking for shit, Ipod, it was asking for people who would be interested in being an activist. Keep in mind medical MJ is working it's way through the US, Australian prime ministers appear too have a summer house up the us presidents arse and would be far more likely too listen if america continues forward.

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i am keen to help in QLD in any way i can.. not rich or anything but can do some groundwork.. is there a name & finished declaration of cannabis independence for the reform group tho? will go look.. and about the NWO ... pftt comeonn .. i know it looks bad but seriously.. humans are mother farking pests and combine that with a world and the infinite amount of possibilities of quantum mechanics and they would have to be some sort of god to have that much control.. they just CANNOT censor the internet in anyway shape or form and we will be fine.. seriously .. tho saying "we have no chance and we're farked" means that u obviously are of a human lineage nearing extinction!@ :).. seriously if it gets really bad like big brother then i would just blow myself up and if everyone did that theyd be left to look after themselves ( I AM NOT CONDONING TERRORIST ACTS OR SUGGESTING OR INCITING THEM, I AM SIMPLY THINKING ABOUT HOW I WOULD PROTEST LIVING IN A DYSTOPIA SUCH AS IN BIG BROTHER) ... DOUBLE THINK scares the bajeebus outa me tho :S ;) :S ;) DOUBLE THINKing is kind of going on now i guess but its potential is badasse imo... hmm smoko time ;)
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I may have changed my views on just medical mj in the last week.

I would help out in anyway possible, though I am really anoying and All I ever do is talk about how awsome cannabis is.

I think if you are going to form a activist group it should start at the universities and tafe campuses.

Do it during a peak lunch time, make it peaceful and only give out the right information and the right attiude and make it fun.

Old school, where the young are still full of the justice and ideals they think we actually have in this country. u get your masses and once every 6 months you org a protest rally that also has a live band and its a party that last all day.

Protest party sounds awsome.


Ok bit off me chops should probably disregard idea

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OK, So I have been a member here for many years, and I have contributed to a number of activism type threads. I am no angel, and I freely admit to making many stupid comments on here. I have tried to get a few topics started in regards to activism, but often my own arrogance got in the way and they all got shut down.


So time to start again. Basically what I am after is an indication of the users who are interested in activism. Who genuinely want to help change the laws? I am only interested in hearing from people who are actually willing to stand up for what they believe in. Trolls are not invited and will basically be ignored. I once mentioned "agent provocateurs" ;), gosh that didn't go down well. But to be honest at that time there were so many nay-sayers, it was as if the site was filled with people who wanted it to remain illegal. Maybe it is still the same way, only one way to find out.


So I can think of a few members who are actually trying to make a change.


I will put up my name, and state that I am willing do my bit to help change the laws in regards to Cannabis, in Australia.


Who else????



thanks for trying man . to be honest im a bit put off this whole site now why is its that as soon as we get somewherewe get ripped off.


imnotacop if what your saying isnt an ellaborate scam then yes it may be true more people want to break the law , selfish or greedy or just geniunely poor and struggling. doesnt matter where breakin the law .


whats your job again?


we still cannot wholly trust you as you are a cop.

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