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Just for the record, I’ve had an obsession with everything to do with cannabis plant since I was 10, due to aspergers. Even people I know that love herb can’t stand talking to me because all I ever talk about is how much it could benefit mankind and I really do believe that legalizing cannabis would totally change not only the western culture but the culture of the world.


Also things like pamphlets are an awesome idea it would be the first thing I’d do if I had a few thousand spare and I think if you did it right it would help create a lot more awareness. But that all cost money and if your seriously going to make a difference and want people take notice then there really need to look all glossy and professional like the anti-drug ones the government brought out (except you would obviously include science and references), which is really expensive.


Point me to the movement and I’ll be the first one there but over the years I’ve seen people come here and try and get something started, but still now where is it that I can go (except for nimbin on the other side of Australia) and try to get these ideas moving with other people that are prepared to dedicate their lives to the legalization of cannabis?


Don’t mean to sound like I’ve given up but I’ve spent my whole life being the only person I know that really cares about this issue enough to stand up for it and after being suspended, expelled, kicked out, arrested, charged, fired, disowned and basically kicked around by family, friends and society in general I’ve kind of given up faith that there might be people out there that feel the same and I can’t be convinced by words on a computer screen anymore.


But like I said point me to the movement and I’m there.

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I can relate jabez. My whole family says I'm obsessed with Cannabis. The thing is, it relates to so many things. People say there's not enough cops on the streets to stop drunken fights etc. I say legalise Cannabis and watch the number of police on the street triple because they don't have to catch people growing a harmless plant anymore. People say we need biofuel I say Cannabis is the best biofuel available. People say cancer treatment sucks I say if Cannabis were legal cancer treatment would be a blast! (okay well not really, but it would be simple and easy).


Now on to the movement thing....

Don't know where to find it? That's coz there's not really anything being done in Aus. Separate people, no central movement besides Nimbin.

YOU are the movement. I am the movement. I have started making posters, dunno if you saw the one I made to counter the Go-over-men-t's Cannabis poster?

I WILL make some more and I will post it in that thread. Just one week til' I'm on holidays and I'll be making shitloads of 'em. Got a lot of ideas here. And more ideas are welcome.


It really doesn't cost that much. Just get a printer that can print A3. Normal inkjet printer. They can do a really good job nowadays for fairly cheap. Also we can't actually get them printed by someone coz we don't have freedom of speech in Aus and the government COULD prosecute us. So I'd rather do it on the down low, just print them off at home and get everyone else on here to do the same. That way we cover a broader area anyway.

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Hi everyone,


One thing to do is write letters to politicians and the newspaper. I think it also helps to accept that they don't know the damage they do and the hurt they cause with their laws. We need to let them know. I sent this letter recently -


Where have all the flowers gone?


Having a shower is more dangerous than pot. Walking downstairs is way more dangerous than ecstacy. I’ve trying to understand the reason why these drugs were ever banned. Especially when you think of how much money gets spent on pot eradication when there are people dying in our health system due to lack of resources. The only answer I could come up with was that the media, big business and governments decided to destroy the hippie movement.


In the 60’s the hippie movement began with a vision for a better world where the beauty of nature was protected from human greed and where compassion for people was more important than old structures of power. The hippies wanted a peaceful world. They were anticapitalist and anticonsumerist and they started the biggest revolution of all time.


In the 1800’s the Chartists fought for a Charter of Rights for all people and were jailed for their efforts, the suffragettes were jailed for fighting for rights for women but they both won in the end. In the 60’s you could no longer be jailed for your political opinions but everyone knew the hippies and greenies liked smoking pot. How clever it was to bring down a whole revolution by simply banning their party drugs.


The hippie movement fizzled out, big business continued to pollute and destroy the natural balance of the earth, capitalism and consumerism created piles of rubbish everywhere and people are still hunted like dogs because they smoke pot. Our world cannot be saved until we rescue our gentle hippies from persecution.

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Good discussion this has evolved into .. although maybe drifting slightly off the topic ...

I believe the Topic description refers to people who are interested in activism , to maybe relay ideas as to how to effect positive change for our cause , not to repeat and elaborate on reasons why Activism and Law Reform "Won't/Can't" work ;)


There has been plenty of similar and quite expansive discussions involved amongst the OzStoner Forums that relate to many of the most recent in depth discussions ... for anyone new I will post just a couple of links to some of what I consider the more memorable ones : ) ...

The regular long-term OzStoner Crew will most likely be familiar with a few of these "Long-Lost" Threads , many will not bother re-reading ... :) ... but don't you find it interesting how some of our ideas and opinions can change and/or evolve over time? ... :D I do ;) heheh


So In case anyone IS interested ...

I consider these threads essential reading for anyone trying to gain a fuller perspective Into such matters ...

Also to observe the gradual evolution of constructive commentary from a colourful variety of OzStoners regarding these subjects :


Reasons to Legalize Cannabis?


If Ignorance is the Problem?


Reasons Not to Legalize Cannabis?


Get the Doctors on our Side?


RE Cannabis



Do we Represent Cannabis?


Yeh , Heheheh ... So there's some great reading there :)

Sure there is a bit of flaming 'n' shit in parts but beyond that I think there is some very interesting discussion and debate :D

Much of it Related to such current popular topics surrounding Activism and Law Reform , Pollie Bothering , Doctor-Cannabis relations and the changes that Legalization/Decriminilization would effect within general society etc etc. 8)


Oh , and how could I forget (heh , I didn't) :faint: Can't forget the Epic of all OzStoners Discussion threads ...

(Hahah , that's right Crew , I look forward to your hate mail :() ... The one and Only ... 50+ pages that shows just how deep into it some can get and how Far things can carry on :freak: ... Hahah! Wait for it ... ... ...


The Hemp Bar Thread


Mwuhahahah! :bongon: I feel wicked now ... meh , sue me :peace:

Yep , that Hemp Bar thread is a doosy , I hope ya'll like reading :wacko: You'll Laugh , You'll Cry ... You might even get bloody Angry :bow: Or Frightened ... and all these and other emotions should be channeled into constructive rationalization so as YOU can can make a more astute and evolved contribution to these "Cult-Classic" threads and bring them back into the Spotlight where they so plainly deserve to be lmao : D


Anyhoo , I've maxed out my Emoticon limit ... So That's it for now (hears the sighs in unison sounding relief) ; )

Stay Active , Stay Vigilant and Happy Reading ...

Cheerz all,


Budman :wub:

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... Continued from last Post Due to Emoticon limit ... :faint:


P.s. Pmsl @ Al Fish's replies ... All very good points indeed :bow: heheh


and ... :sly:


P.p.s. Nice Work BessieBlue ... Although what you mentioned is certainly part of the whole scheme of things there are much larger forces at play in the Whole Cannabis Prohibition Regime ... Money ofc , See : Dupont (cotton vs hemp fibre) , Exxon (oil-fuel vs bio-fuel) , Concrete/Building Industry (building materials) and Big Pharmaceutical Companies :peace: not to even mention the Law Enforcement Revenue , Corporate Prison Systems and the corrupt governments that allow and even perpetuate the problem by regulating street drug supply and also secretly traffics drugs from around the world to fund the Institutions they oversee ... for War and for the gradual enslavement of humanity conformed to the Order of a New World , One World Government and Total Martial Law Police States for us ALL! ... oh shit!!! :bongon: , I didn't realize how bad it had gotton nowadays aye :D ...


Oh well , after all that ... I think this ; IF we as a whole will not even stand up and fight for our basic Human rights , and if we have no control or say over how our supposed "democratic" society operates anymore anyway ... what chance do we have of "Freedom"? ... What chance to withstand the Tyranny?? ... Let alone convincing these faschists to let us be to Embrace our special plant of choice :wacko:


Stay Vigilant and Hold Strong Peoples :D



Budman :freak:

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imamnotacop dude,dont u no the nwo has already started.... no matter what we do (the people) wont change shit...u can write all the letters u want...protest, what ever tickles your fancy...they only thing thats going to get u, is to be put on a list for an early execution... i mean heart-attack, ahhem*clears throut* Edited by ipod
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