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OK, So I have been a member here for many years, and I have contributed to a number of activism type threads. I am no angel, and I freely admit to making many stupid comments on here. I have tried to get a few topics started in regards to activism, but often my own arrogance got in the way and they all got shut down.


So time to start again. Basically what I am after is an indication of the users who are interested in activism. Who genuinely want to help change the laws? I am only interested in hearing from people who are actually willing to stand up for what they believe in. Trolls are not invited and will basically be ignored. I once mentioned "agent provocateurs" ;), gosh that didn't go down well. But to be honest at that time there were so many nay-sayers, it was as if the site was filled with people who wanted it to remain illegal. Maybe it is still the same way, only one way to find out.


So I can think of a few members who are actually trying to make a change.


I will put up my name, and state that I am willing do my bit to help change the laws in regards to Cannabis, in Australia.


Who else????

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Unless ofcourse we could make an OSA movement ;)

yeah that`d be good. :chef: if we could agree on a set time and place we could do a march.....like swarm the Sydney harbor bridge at peak hour or something lol


If one or two members from each town puts up adds for the public to see it could work.....

eg: if 10 OSA members from 10 different towns reached 10 to 100 people each just from putting up adds saying when the march is on thats a potential 100-1000 activists ready to march........just imagine if we had our shit together and it worked. ;)

Im off chops atm so it might not make sense ^_^

Of course we would`nt wanna be defacing public property in the process ;)


I cant see it happening any time soon but its nice to think it could happen lol ........i would print out a few thousand adds for the cause ;)



Keep at it,






Chron :)

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Fact is Australia is just a joke! Till the US change there drug policy regarding cannabis the laws will NEVER change much over here. As hard as it is to believe the media have far less freedom over here and the government will never allow the australian media to report any significant positve cannabis story till they get the nod from the US.


Then you got those slimy low life coppers that no doubt constantly troll this forum trying ruin the lives of peaceful cannabis users/growers who are NO danger to anyone and are just trying to live there fucking lives!!! Which makes it very hard to trust people enough in the first place.


Id love to do something to get the movement started in australia. But I just dont believe australians value there freedom enough to change the laws, even if we did have the power. So im basicallly just gonna keep to myself, keep smoking my herb and keep a very close eye on whats going on in the US.


Fuck the government coppers and anyone else who has a problem with me smoking cannabis. Im glad it makes em mad, just makes it more enjoyable, everytime I pull a bong ;)

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Id love to do something to get the movement started in australia. But I just dont believe australians value there freedom enough to change the laws, even if we did have the power.




I agree with that statement. The way I look at it, is because We Aussies have never had a civil war to kick out the British rule over us, where the USA had to fight the British to get self government and then fight within themselves to get a good constitution happening. Look at other countries that have had to fight within their boundary's to self govern. We Aussies have always (mostly always) just rolled over and copped what comes our way. It took until WW2 for Ben Chifley to stand up the the poms and say fuck you we are brining our troops home from the middle east to defend our land from invasion by the Japanese. The nearest thing we had was the Eureka Stockade rebellion. All though we now follow the Yanks like a dog wagging it's tail.

;) :peace:

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try doin something like the thc ministry. Start your own church get ordained then put your signs everywhere stating that the plants and dried herb is sacrement. If you get busted just quote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ((2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.


Article 18.


Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.


there are many religions that consider cannabis to be a gift from god, you dont need to claim to be associated with any of them.

You dont need to be a religous nut to have spiritual awareness, its just what you truly believe you have the god given right to do ;)

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When it comes to hard-nosed political activism nothing beats culinary protesting. I've forgotten all the politicians I've emailed advising that unless and until cannabis has been legalised, indeed glorified by the Australian governments I will refuse to eat my salads tossed or consume dill pickles. It's an in your face approach, but that's just me.

Fuck 'em! If I can't legally smoke cone after cone of high grade shit they can stuff dill pickles up their arses! I'd rather die than eat a tossed salad under the current legal regime.

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Id love to do something to get the movement started in australia. But I just dont believe australians value there freedom enough to change the laws, even if we did have the power. So im basicallly just gonna keep to myself, keep smoking my herb and keep a very close eye on whats going on in the US.


That is all well and cool, but that is the exact attitude that I am trying to discourage in this thread. If you aren't interested in activism then this thread is not for you.


I am looking for people who are actually willing to help out. Basically ideas are what I am looking for. Networking, trying to figure out what each of us think will help the cause.


There was a thread a while back about posters/pamphlets. It was great, we need to keep going with things like that, instead of letting them progress further down the page and then gone for ever.




If one or two members from each town puts up adds for the public to see it could work.....


This is what I mean, although I don't think marches/protesting actually work (just my opinion). But in saying "one or two members from each town", now that is something. This is what I am interested in, working together to form a plan of action.




Unless ofcourse we could make an OSA movement


Your attitude is cool, but I don't think that this can ever be an OSA thing. There are too many people here who do not want the laws changed. (you wait and see how many nay-sayers pipe up, even though I have asked them not to).


This is not an OSA thing, but it can be a bunch of members from OSA talking about a particular subject.

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When I get ripped, I think.

It's not like; I think, therefore I'm ripped. Or I'm stoned, therefore I think. It's more like, I think they're for 1 am and I'm better off shit-faced. Thinking is one of those habits that started early and is all that much harder to break. I feel like I'm confessing an idle sin.


Having disgracefully studied history, including and increasingly the dangerous and ill-lit back-allies; political-economy, particularly the Austrian School; religion, comparative and perverted; together with some of the classics of English literature and a smattering of philosophy, I'm terrified. That's the main reason I smoke dope – to allay the fear. T.S. Eliot's endless corridor. Nietzsche's boot to the face.


Its a sacrament, perhaps the only real sacrament. Gives blessing to all types. A real ecumenical herb – as at home with communists, rapturists, extremists and punk rockers as it is with me. I seriously maintain that if politicians were forced to toke the world would be a better place. Have to be really! And I have a dream. On the day that marijuana is legalised there'll be a march initiated down the main thoroughfare of all Australian cities and towns. Over the anniversaries it will grow. And men and women will congregate, take the sacrament and meander down the road to the cheers of dopers from all around the world! Musicians so whacked they're in wheelchairs being pushed along – their instruments singing the praises of freedom.


Yes, I have a dream that one day all people will be able to bong on – smoke dope on the seas and oceans; inhale on the beaches; imbibe on the landing grounds; toke in the fields and in the streets; get wasted in the hills because brave souls such as us never stopped smoking! We will smoke at all costs, smoke in spite of all terror, smoke, however long and hard the road may be; for without cannabis, there is nothing to live for. And I will remain a steadfast Dope man. An initiate of the cones. At the going down of the sun and in the morning I smoke dope.



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