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Prison for growing cannabis

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The following links will take you to the revelant Acts. There is untold horror stories due to this act bought into parliment by that EVIL IDIOT Peter Foss hope he burns in hell as well as Jim McGinty who was another piece of shit who gloated about how much money the govt has stolen off families whos father or mother who grew a few plants to smoke.





The two plant rule is a load of crap as u cant harvest them they think the plants grow non stop & u pick off what u need to smoke at the time. Its up 2 police discretion if they charge u & if they think its commercial they charge u. Also hydro is different & u r charged with a narcotic

Edited by mark60
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The following links will take you to the revelant Acts. There is untold horror stories due to this act bought into parliment by that EVIL IDIOT Peter Foss hope he burns in hell as well as Jim McGinty who was another piece of shit who gloated about how much money the govt has stolen off families whos father or mother who grew a few plants to smoke.





The two plant rule is a load of crap as u cant harvest them they think the plants grow non stop & u pick off what u need to smoke at the time. Its up 2 police discretion if they charge u & if they think its commercial they charge u. Also hydro is different & u r charged with a narcotic




you sure that second link is up to date ?

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In second link go to schedule 7 (V11) at the bottom it lists the amount of drugs that amount to a trafficking charge. There was a case about a year or so aqgo where a person was charged with trafficking in the Southwest of WA he died before the trail but the DPP still confiscated his family house & evicted his wife & children even though he was never found guilty.

The govt of WA is a pack of idiots & have created a bigger problem which is affecting all our children as meth, smack & xtc are cheaper & more accessable than pot. An oz of 50% pure smack can have a realistic street value of approx $250 000 while 3 kg of wet cannabis leaf has a value of $500 & even good dry bud would only be worth $35 000 WHO WAS THE IDIOT THAT MADE THIS LAW Foss has a lot of our states childrens blood on his hands.

Sorry to rant it just makes my blood boil at the injustice being done to many simple growers & watching our kids becoming junkies.

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I've been thinking about that too recently. If Cannabis was just legal and was never illegal, we wouldn't have all this rising use of amphetamines and shit (see my post 'UN drug' something something). The only reason that shit is around is coz' it's easier to hide and smuggle than Cannabis. I think if Cannabis was always legal we would probably only have Heroin and Ecstasy and a couple of Hallucinogens, probably mushrooms, mescaline, DMT and LSD.


And don't worry about ranting, we all do it :applause:


Regarding the price of smack, that blew my fucking mind when I read how much it is worth. You are probably right with that $250 000 estimate. I read that 5kg is worth 9 million dollars. Yet it costs the same amount as sugar to produce.


Also according to that site you posted anything under 50 hits of acid is not considered trafficking. Assuming a hit is averaged to 200micrograms. Doesn't make any sense....


Oh and how does this work?


3 kilograms for trafficking but 250 plants for trafficking? wtf?

Edited by luciddreaming
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I've been thinking about that too recently. If Cannabis was just legal and was never illegal, we wouldn't have all this rising use of amphetamines and shit (see my post 'UN drug' something something). The only reason that shit is around is coz' it's easier to hide and smuggle than Cannabis. I think if Cannabis was always legal we would probably only have Heroin and Ecstasy and a couple of Hallucinogens, probably mushrooms, mescaline, DMT and LSD


Dude ppl use different drugs cause thay want 2....im sorry but even if pot was legal i would still love my gas n bickies, Marijuana use has nothin to do with ppl using other drugs unless its medical and they forced to use pharmacutials instead of there beloved herb

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