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Super Strong Dutch Secret

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Hey guys,


I was peeking at some OG posts and came across this nutrient that is supposed to be excellent. I checked it out on the webpage given and was surprised to see it came from oz woohoo!




it's got some pretty detailed info which is mumbo jumbo to me hehhe, maybe you guys can check it out and let us know what may make it so special.



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Guest weekprik

i dont get it woohoo strong nutes?? the plants only use a certain range and anything different gives problems???


I dont get it?

its too cheap as well,


but serious let us know how it turns out,

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Guest weekprik

its too cheap IMO, especially if you think it means you use less to make the mix up??


Sounds like a good idea but I beleive if it was like 30 litre it would be better, if ya know what i mean.


that all said i havent tried it.

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