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Hi Guys


started growing from seed. drip irrigation. 1 x 15min (approx 1 drop per sec)


Plants have been doing fine. just about week 4 from seed.


Few days ago moved the plant under a 600w hps from fluro.


few days later now plants look are bottom set are drooping almost touching the hydroton. top seems ok.


Natrally most would say overwatered. but it doesnt get that much and its in rockwool which is in hydroton.


any ideas peeps?


also EC increased overnite from 1 to 1.2 so i added some water to bring it back down.


doing a full res change this weekend. could that have caused it?


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looks fine to me.. youll get wilting and stress just from moving the plants from flouros to HIDs.. so give is a few more days and see how it turns out.. when transplanting i use a little oxyplus in the water.. this will help with healthy root development...


when the EC rises like that over night.. it just means the plant has drank more water than nutes.. its nothing to worry about.. when you test for PH and EC you should do it at the same time every time.. like when the light s first come on and the plants are receiving their first watering for the day.. as PH and EC will fluctuate during the light hours...


as an experiment.. test the solution at the time of every watering.. you will get an idea then of what the plants are taking and at what stages...


if you keep your system clean with regular flushing .. about once a week.. then mix up fresh nutrients about once a week.. you really shouldnt get any issues at all..

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Oh Thank you so much for your quick reply.


haha i guess i was getting more stressed out than the plants hehe.


cool so i will give it that flush later on. and check on the ph and ec


what about abit of superthrive? worth giving some of that? had any experience with it?


Thanks again for responding


True gentleman and a scholar :rolleyes:

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As SS said i cant see much wrong with ya plant, looks in very good health actually, apart from a tiny bit of leaf droop.


Was this shot takin straight after lights on?? If so you will notice that the plants during lights off tend to droop abit, i call this sleepy time :rolleyes: anyhoo as the lights come on and they wake up the leaves will come back up.


I dont think ya problem is ya watering as they will be recieving rufly 900ml, and im guessing there is run off so that the water doesnt build up??


I have used superthrive for many many years and is a great product. I always add it to my res tank pretty much through the whole grow apart from the last few weeks of flower. I also use it as a foliar feed with soda water and fulvic acid or worm wee.


cheerz :rolleyes:

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thanks again for the info peeps


yeh the pic was taken in the morning just after lights on. Its only started doing that in the last few days as i said.


Its reassuring to hear from u guys and that u believe its looking healthy.


Im a total noob when it comes to this stuff. first timer alert :rolleyes:


will grab some superthrive today and add it in.

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Hi hicksy & welcome to the bards :D


Yea she looks fine - just a result in environmental change it will perk up :rolleyes:


hicksy........will grab some superthrive today and add it in.



Oh go really on the super thrive - it's "Hot" stuff and easily over done if too much is used.



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Hi all


thanks for all the warm greetings. Its good to be on an active forum.


so i just got the superthrive (no mucking around here :rolleyes:).


Gave plants abit of a flusher. emptied and cleaned the reserve.


refilled, ph'd and added half strenth grow rite and 5 ml superthrive. (21L res)


Sound about right to y'all?


Plants looking abit better on last checkup too :rolleyes:

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Have since done a res change. ph sitting at just under 6.

Nutes at EC 1. Was causing a slight nute burn to some of the leaves in the middle plant so i backed her down to ec .8-.9


Hopefully that solves it.


Could be the superthrive i added in the last water change.


The dosage is really strange on the packet. talking about 1 drop per gallon etc then on the bottle says 1ml per litre.


any sugguestions?



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