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new to Diatomite, any help?

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Hi all,

I just wanted to ask if anyone has had much experience with Diatomite as I just picked myself some up a few days ago. I was wondering if this would be good to mix with my current medium of choice perlite. I just thought I would try something new, as I am hoping soon to graduate to a recirculation drip system for the first time. At the moment I am just wondering what you guys thoughts are on this as a medium. As I am getting far too sick of having to trash perlite, I would rather have a reusable medium or at the least be able to put it on the garden with out arising any suspicion at all.


Also does anyone know if there is a certain level of silica in this stuff that will eventually run out or is it made with soluble silica as one of the main constitutes that will release with the eventual breakdown of the rocks. I know this one may sound silly but really I have no idea, and just wanted to know how many grows until it is all silica-outed.

thanks all ;)

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