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-CNN Poll!-95% Want Marijuana Legalized

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C'mon fella's, time for a reality check.


You'd be pretty naive to believe that phone-in poll as a true indication on how the majority feel, as people tend to vote more than once to get the statistics in their favour. I've done it before 'n no doubt many others here have as well.


Anyway, my point being. Lets not stoop to the level prohibitionists have before, by fudging figures or just using bullshit lies to get their point across. Speak the truth and hold your head high, knowing that if the try and have a shot at us, they haven't got a leg to stand on. Because it's hard to get a solid footing, while standing in bullshit..



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I've been reading and watching a fair bit about what's going on in the States over the last year. To me it almost feels like a tidal wave heading for the US Government. Most people on the planet have tried or knows someone who has tried cannabis and the majority would agree that nothing bad came of it.


I used to be very negative towards pot and was completely against it based on nothing more than what was passed on to me by my parents, teachers and the military. Now I know the truth and I openly discuss facts and myths with friends who are also now interested in researching the truth. I personally think it will one day be legalized, I just hope I'm alive to see it!

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from normal

13th may


Legalizing Marijuana Tops White House 'Citizens Briefing Book'


Washington, DC: Legalizing marijuana use for adults is the top policy question, as voted on by the American public, in White House's first-ever 'Citizens Briefing Book,' issued by the Obama administration on Wednesday.


The 'Briefing Book' tabulated Americans' online votes on over 44,000 different public policy questions. The proposals were posted on the Change.gov website (now whitehouse.gov) in January.


Some 125,000 Americans participated in the White Houses' online poll, casting over 1.4 million votes. Proposals were awarded ten points for each positive vote.


Based on the total number of points received, ending the criminal prohibition of marijuana ranked as the most popular issue, receiving 92,970 points. Halting the use of "federal resources to undermine states' medical marijuana laws" ranked as the third most popular issue, receiving 66,170 points.


In response to a similar White House online poll question in December 2008, a spokesperson for the Obama administration commented, "President ... Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana."


Last week, a national Zogby poll of 3,937 voters commissioned by conservative-leaning O'Leary Report found that a slight majority of Americans – 52 percent – favor legalizing marijuana. The poll marks the first time that a majority of the public has expressed support for pot legalization in a nationwide telephone poll.


For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre, NORML Executive Director, at:


hear we obamma

free cannabis

free the people

free the land

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I think it would be a great economic boost if they ran it like tobaco and alcohol. It may suprise alot of ppl but really there are alot of smokers out there some dont want to say it if they have jobs they can get caned from or tell ppl who judge them. I know in my neighborhood just in the 6 houses next to me 5 of them smoke and im not in a bad part of town if its like that where i live imagin that across all the states thats alot i can see the legalization happen in my life time.
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