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Flowering nutrients and additives

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Hi stoners,

going to switch over to 12/12 soon, i've already purchased some nutrients and additives and was wondering if I need anything else to maximise my harvest and quality. Currently growing white widow in rockwool. I have been using the following for veg:


Veg nutes





For flower I have:


Flowering nutes






Is there any obvious deficiencies in that list? and can anyone suggest what else i could use to maximise my harvest



Thanks in advance :peace:

Edited by Slidin.....S15
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greetnz Slidin.....S15


be very carefull not to over dowit

they will suffer from too much or to little

the ballance is crucial

my advice is to follow the directions pon your bloom nutrients lable to the letter


that is the recomended plan for the nutrient sollution you have

do not add any ting elce

that plan is tried and proven for most plants

it will work fine

when you gain some experance you will feel confedent to start to fine tune it

till then stick to the plan


irey guidance

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