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Cannabis vomiting syndrome

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ScienceDaily (2009-03-23) -- Marijuana, a commonly abused drug among high school and college students, is linked to a severe form of vomiting syndrome and compulsive bathing behavior. This form of severe vomiting sickness is increasingly recognized with widespread abuse of marijuana. The syndrome usually subsides with strict abstinence from marijuana abuse.


I am really disapointed in this one, given the source is Science Daily. ;) Why is it that these guys do not find out the truth from those of us who actually know, instead of simply guessing at what is going on? :peace:

Edited by littlbit
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ScienceDaily (2009-03-23) -- Marijuana, a commonly abused drug among high school and college students, is linked to a severe form of vomiting syndrome and compulsive bathing behavior. This form of severe vomiting sickness is increasingly recognized with widespread abuse of marijuana. The syndrome usually subsides with strict abstinence from marijuana abuse.


I am really disapointed in this one, given the source is Science Daily. :peace: Why is it that these guys do not find out the truth from those of us who actually know, instead of simply guessing at what is going on? ;)



And alcohol does nothing? Does the article say if these people drink or take other substances when smoking?

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cial, of course, however with these things it is a case of, Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.


I actually sent them a comment on the story, and reminding them they are supposed to report science not fiction. I don't know if they will pay any attention, but perhaps a few more people doing the same may just get the message through.;)


The problem is that in fact, if you abuse this actually will happen, it did to me. However it was overuse, and the same reaction from alcohol when abused, this too I have suffered.:peace: (self inflicted, no sympathy required)


The only other time this happened to me was with a really bad batch of Hydro, and yep I simply wished I could die, then I went to sleep, woke the next morning and was fine, no after effects. ;)


I use canna for many things these days including nausea.

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Think I've probably mentioned it here but I've known a person since they where a kid who has this and CLAIMS the weed does it to him. But this low life used to smoke his lungs out from like 11 to his late teens without a problem (even managed to hold down a job for a short time) till he started cracking open a beer first thing in the fucking morning, drinking and snorting speed all day not eating anything then at night tokes his brains out till he gets so hungry that he raids the kitchen like the little ferral he is and then vommits it all back up, probably cause his body cant work out if its up or down.


The showers probably just become habit, but you'd think it would have started from a little thing called personal hygiene, since (you wouldnt think) its actually not that abnormal to desire a shower or bath after you vommit all over your self.


And the reason I call this goose a low life is because im convinced that he swears cannabis does it to him cause its far less addictive than alcohol and speed and there for easier to give up for short periods. Hes always blaming cannabis for everything even though he doesnt always even smoke, but refuses to admit hes a alcoholic even though he has a beer in his hand all day long. Theres drug addicts everywhere doing the same thing screwing it up for everyone!


BTW, starting to enjoy these studies. It just proves Cannabis is that harmless that they still cant seem to be able to scientificly back up one single permanet health effect caused directly from getting stoned :peace:

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