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Sydney Morning Herald

Paul Bibby Urban Affairs Reporter

May 15, 2009


SPANISH scientists have detected something in the air and it is even more heady than the aroma of fried chorizo.


Using a new technique capable of detecting and measuring organic substances to the trillionth of a gram, the scientists found traces of cocaine in the air in Madrid and Barcelona. Madrid's air also contained traces of heroin.


Tourists need not worry: the quantities were far too low to inspire even the faintest high, according to experts.


The new technique, employed by researchers from Spain's Institute of General Organic Chemistry, can test for 17 components including cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, cannabinoids and lysergic acid.


Cocaine was the drug present at the highest levels in both Spanish cities, with concentrations of between 29 and 850 picograms per cubic metre. A picogram is one trillionth of a gram.


"Heroin was also found in detectable levels in the sample taken in Madrid, but not from those in Barcelona," the institute said. This was explained by the fact that the area of Madrid where the sample was taken was close to a district where drug dealers were suspected of operating.


The Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand confirmed that the levels of heroin and cocaine found by the study were highly unlikely to be dangerous. The society tests air for conventional pollutants - sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and fine particulate matter, for example - but not illegal drugs.


David Wainwright, from the Queensland branch, said the technology to test for components at such minute levels was available in Australia, but only for heavy metals.

with Agence France-Presse


Ref: http://www.smh.com.au/world/the-coca...0514-b4sy.html

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Wow, I've been wondering about this :bongon:

Just two nights ago I think. I was wondering if you searched say, every mm of someones house and collected all the 'dust' would you find Heroin. Guess you would hehe. Also with the acid, do you know if they found any of that? Coz potentially, you could trip if you inhale some, since it's only a tiny amount needed.

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Interesting article , the first thing I wondered is .. why? ... Is this to refine the "authorities" drug testing capabilities? Because we all know that the ones they have now are dodgy at best ;)

Kinda disturbing to think that they could test so microscopically and pick up these "drug" compounds ... IF It's in the air then It's in us :peace:


And speaking of the air ... :yinyang:

The Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand confirmed that the levels of heroin and cocaine found by the study were highly unlikely to be dangerous. The society tests air for conventional pollutants - sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and fine particulate matter, for example - but not illegal drugs.

See ... those "drugs" they speak of would most likely be the SAFEST pollutants to biological health that actually exist in the air ... amongst the massive concoction of extremely toxic elements that pollute it now. :thumbsup:


The hypocrisy is amazing , like not being allowed to smoke a cigarette at a Bus Zone or Underground parking lot :thumbsup: because if you can't smell it and see it then it must be safe .. but smoke will kill us now right , after all the millenia of humans evolving consuming smoke ... mostly on a daily basis (Fire etc) all of a sudden it causes cancer. B)

Well , It's not the smoke of Cannabis or Tobacco or Campfires that causes cancer , It's the toxicity of our modern societies that do. You don't have to be a "Scientist" to know this lol


And to finish , isn't it "Highly" likely that because all these chemicals were extracted from and exist naturally in nature anyway , that obviously anything could be picked up anywhere if measuring on a small enough scale? :thumbsup:

Picograms anyone? ... (reminds me of the dealy bags in the city :thumbsup:)


Just the fact that they would be creating (very expensive no doubt) tests/technology to pick up these "ORGANIC ELEMENTS" makes me a little sceptical as to what their intentions may be for this science ... only 17? ... there are more Viruses and potential Biological Warfare Elements than 17 from what I know ... Where is the money going? , Who is supplying it? and For What? ... :thumbsup:

Follow that trail and you'll will probably be killed or lobotomized well before you could ever catch the crooks behind it all B)


Bye 4 Now ... and remember to stay vigilant and fight our oppressors , please stop feeding them B)



Budman B)

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Hmm, can't quite buy this story as there'd millions of different airboune particles floating around our enviroment. What's to say that their not getting the odd "False Positive" every now and then?


Fair enough it makes for a good story. But there's a lot more that hasn't been explained, that I find concerning.



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