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Marijuana potency surpasses 10%...

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Is this the next myth they are ploughing full steam ahead to the masses or has this been around for a while?


I'm only a casual smoker so I would probably never want a full strength plant. If it were legal, I'd probably just grow 2 mid range THC plants. That's a pretty lame argument against cannabis. I hope not too many people buy into it (of course some will).

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High All,

Nice replies there , and some good extra info to further debunk this obvious and familiar propaganda tactic. ;)


But seriously , who doesn't trust "Scierntists working for the Government"? lmao :faint:


and , what? ... "I'm not advocating the use of marijuana at all," he said. "But in some ways, it is out there. ... Telling them it's 10 percent -- three times more potent than what their parents smoked -- is not an argument they are likely to buy into or to even utilize in any constructive sort of way.

"I think they do what they do today. I don't think they consider or reflect on what it might have been like 30 years ago."

- ffs , and this guy (child Psychologist) is called Dr. Brain??? , good greif , bit of an oxymoron there :P , I can't beleive they employ children as psychiatrists .. seems anyone can get that job nowadays :doh:


If you were to ask for my opinion , I would say if anything the "Average Quality" of Cannabis Budz for sale has decreased , I'm not really talking about experienced personal growers , but what gets around the towns , on the street or from the Farmer etc. ...

The stuff most of us are forced to buy because of their Insanely ridiculous laws (wars?) :ack:


I was only a baby in the 70's , so I missed out on most of the Buddha Thai , Mullumbimby Madness , Panama Red etc ... But luckily enough for me this kinda quality (very potent) Cannabis strains were still around the area in the 90's ... I beleive they were kind of "bred out" by poor/lazy growing techniques that were more common at the time ... No doubt though that the gene pool of some of these strains would still remain today in some of the stuff available ... Since being a Cannabis user I've had the privelage of meeting and befriending many interesting older people than myself some over 4 times my age ; ) and obviously I've heard some amazing stories about bringing seeds back from travelling in other countries (or the NAVY stopping off in thailand (and all sorts of countries) for some booze , women and some Buddha Thai Sticks hahah ... from what I know the NAVY helped to bring alot Alot of exotic strains to this country , so i spose they were good for something lol)


Anyway , it's no joke that some of this Cannabis was extremely potent , some of it more akin to taking LSD or something than getting "stoned" ... Having grown up not that far From Mullumbimby , I can attest to the amount of similar stories I've heard about this strain in particular aswell as the Thai , and it would be impossible that i have not smoked variants of this and other "old-school" strains , no doubt :)


As for me in the 90's , well I've never smoked anything even close in quality or potency ... sure I was still a kid but I was NOT a novice smoker , one strain inparticular (which I strongly think was Thai Sativa strain) was the most potent I've ever smoked ... strange to see a whole room of people lying on their backs "Greened Out" lol , being asked if I want a 3rd cone in such a state by the grower/owner of the budz : D he wouldonly smoke 3 and then we just kicked back so so toasted and just chill to some tunes and talk about music and life in general (Very quiet and slowly and cool heheh) , some of my best memories for sure :bongon:


So who are you going to beleive is the question that probably needs to be asked everywhere besides here at OzStoners ...

Are you going to Beleive in Paid Scientists working for the Government on a non-independant study , most I would assume with no actual life experience surrounding Cannabis??


Or Actual Cannabis users/Stoners/growers etc. (scientists) who have experience and actually Know what their fucking well talking about???


Hint: there is only one sensible answer. :D


So fuck those silly idiots , lets hope the people people really are Waking The Fuck Up!!! because it is way overdue , remember old Sci-Fi movies? we are meant to be the most civilized race in the Galaxy now travelling to distant Dimensions at Warp speed and shooting Propaganda Aliens out of the Space with Ion Cannons etc etc. sheesh , and what have we got ,Bullshit Bullshit and annoying Mobile phone advertisements everywhere you look (see : Bullshit) :bleh:


Well , I've come too far in this game to turn and walk away and not say what I gotta say what the fuck you take me for a joke .. (oops , sorry started rapping the Only Em track I can do the whole thing accapella heheh : D) ...

So I'm gonna speed things up a bit by gathering an army full of Super Skunks , to lead the march up to the steps of the whitehouse and (oops sorry) , then they will have a real reason to fear us ... Oh yes my conservative friends .. be paranoid , be very Paranoid :P ... and always let your concsience your guide (give a little whislte whoo whoo!) :D


O;k I'm done 4 now ...



Budman :toke:

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I'm not sure about chemo...I don't think even weed would help a HELL of a lot with that (but hey, haven't been there, and if it works, go for it...weed's gold) but in regards to the ginger thing, it's actually pretty good for an upset stomach, whether it's a buggy thing or a digestive thing, it really works quite well - use it quite often. It's also reputed to be an immune booster and contain anti-cancer agents in it's raw form.

I know this is not a lot to do with the thread, but hey, it's what I had...

I know ginger is good, just not that good. Cannabis is way better. If you haven't looked up studies I strongly suggest you do. If you search 'granny storm crow's list' you SHOULD find a massive list of Cannabis Medical studies. Just scroll down to find the nausea ones. It's the best medicine we have for it and it's illegal.

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