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I was just thinking....

A lot of people come on here asking what happened to them when they have a panic attack from smoking weed.

This is most likely caused by smoking too much or too strong of a strain or smoking Sativa type Cannabis.

Do you think you could sue the Government for causing psychological harm?

Maybe lightning and littlbit could use this in their case even?

I mean the government isn't allowing us access to quality controlled Cannabis and different strains suited to different people so we have to take our chances medicating with street weed.

Whaddaya think?

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Do you think you could sue the Government for causing psychological harm?


Unfortunately, the Government told us not to smoke/consume Cannabis in the first place, infact they made it illegal. So it would be illogical to sue on those grounds.


But a class action lawsuit in regards to being denied suitable/safe/appropriate medication.........

Or a class action lawsuit claiming damages brought about because of prohibition...........

Or a class action lawsuit based on loss of income/job opportunities/business ventures...........

Or a class action lawsuit based on not having recreational drugs being made available, and therefore we turned to harder drugs such as nicotine and alcohol, which in turn caused us more harm.............



. Something to think about.





Personally, I would love to sue some alcohol companies, including those who brew the stuff and market it. And also to those who sold it to me knowing I was intoxicated. I committed a large number of offences over a 4-5 year period all while under the influence of alcohol, namely beer. I have suffered for the past ten years as a result of those offences including losing drivers licence for a total period of 9.5 years therefore limiting my job opportunities etc.

Now, I have never picked up a beer and seen any warning notice on it in regards to what it may do to me, and how it will influence my decisions. Considering it is a mind altering substance how can I be held responsible for what I did when I was under it's influences. Especially considering there was no warnings, etc.


It worked for the select few who sued the tobacco companies and won. Why can't someone tackle the big alco companies.




hehehe, wishful thinking

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yes i

gotta love dat

if obamma lets people be charged for applying legalized tourcher of their prisinors of war


i see no differance between torchering a sick person by prescribing dangours drugs and crimalizing their perfered safe herbal medicine


the collatural dammage from the drug war is so shocking

it dwafs all the other wars since the 30tys

put together


people are dieing as we speek because their medicine is prohibited

my sister died last year from cancer

unless youve seen it

you canna imagen how much

she suffered horribally at the hands of doctors scaples and perscribed drugs

i will forgive dem sista


they know not what they do

but i will never forget


i saw what dem do to you


peace will reign

when justice rulez

by the blood

by the ballott

by the millions

by the one

every which way

justice must come

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iamnotacop - I just recently read that that defense had been used up until 2005 I think. It is not longer allowed now, since alcohol doesn't completely change you, just makes you do what you really want to. That's their story anyway.


I have never used that defence, I always admitted what I did and took full responsibility. Which is probably why I got away with everything with a slap on the wrist. I only went to jail for failing to pay fines :).


I am just saying that their argument is full of shit. I never wanted to do the things I did. For example, I hate drink driving. But I have been done for it 6 times. I only ever drunk drove when I was too drunk to walk.


btw, I know it is not your argument, just your comments on their argument.


But it would still be fun to try and sue the bastards, anyway. (I can't recall any class action lawsuits against the alco companies like the ones against big tobacco).



if obamma lets people be charged for applying legalized tourcher of their prisinors of war


i see no differance between torchering a sick person by prescribing dangours drugs and crimalizing their perfered safe herbal medicine




I agree completely.

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